/ / Actress Marina Shimanskaya: biography, career and family

Actress Marina Shimanskaya: biography, career and family

Our heroine of today is actress MarinaShimanskaya, whose biography interests many fans. Do you want to know when she was born, where she studied and how she built her film career? All the necessary information about her person is contained in the article. We wish you pleasant reading!

Marina Shimanskaya


Shimanskaya Marina Mechislavovna was bornOctober 27, 1955. Her native city is Saratov. In what kind of family was our heroine raised? Marina's father and mother are humble people. They have nothing to do with cinema and theater. Mieczyslaw Iosifovich spent almost 7 years in the Stalin camps near Saratov. With his future wife, Marina's mother, he met in a hospital for prisoners. There she worked as a nurse.

Childhood and youth

Our heroine grew obedient and inquisitive girl. At school, she studied for fours and fives. Especially good it was given the humanities.

From the age of 6 Marina Shimanskaya attended an artisticschool. The girl was seriously involved in painting. Parents counted on the fact that their daughter would become a famous artist. However, Marina also had other talents.

Shimanskaya, the youngest, showed a love of actingart. Not a single school play could not do without her participation. The girl liked to catch on herself admiring glances of people in the hall, and also to hear their loud applause. In her youth, our heroine had an angelic appearance - blonde hair, a sweet smile and big good eyes. Therefore, most often she got the role of princesses and fairy fairies.

Student years

At the time of graduation from high school MarinaShimanskaya has already decided on her profession. She was going to realize her old dream - to become a professional actress. For this, the girl went to enter the theater school, located in Saratov. She was enrolled in the course of G. Bannikov and R. Belyakova. Teachers immediately noted the natural talent and creative prospects of Shimanskaya.

After a while Marina was transferred to the famous Moscow high school - GITIS. Her mentor was Oleg Tabakov. In 1980, she received a diploma from the end of this prestigious university.

Work in the theater

The graduate of GITIS did not have problems withemployment. Marina was accepted into the troupe of the theater "Hermitage". There she worked until 1991. Shimanskaya has come a long way from episodic to main roles. The picky theater audience accepted the actress and appreciated her talent.

In 1991, our heroine moved to a new placework. Oleg Tabakov suggested that the former student play in his Studio Theater. Marina agreed. True, she held out there only one year. During this time, she managed to play several different roles. For example, in the play "Passion for Varvara" the girl tried on herself the image of Masha. And in the production of How the Steel Was Tempered, she played Rita Ustinovich.

Marina Shimanskaya Movies

Marina Shimanskaya: movies

When the first time the actress appeared on the widescreens? It happened in 1978. Marina Shimanskaya was approved for the role of student interns Lida in the film "When I Become a Giant." Director Inessa Tumanyan was pleased with the cooperation with the beginning actress.

On the set, Marina returned, beingstudent GITIS. She played the daughter of a landowner - Catherine. The film was called The Squadron of the Hussars of the Flying. According to the plot, the main character falls in love with Denis Davydov. The young man responds with her. But the young beauty brings him only disappointment and heartache.

In 1980, Shimanskaya began to develop her film career. She carefully studied the scenarios, agreeing to shoot only in worthy films.

Let's list her most vivid and memorable works:

  • "Take care of women" (1981) - Luba;
  • "A Cultural Trip to the Theater" (1982) - Anya;
  • "Parade of the planets" (1984) - a friend of Afonina;
  • "Near You" (1986) - Sasha.
    Marina Shiman's private life

Marina Shimanskaya: personal life

Miniature blonde with a lovely face is alwayswas popular with the opposite sex. However Marina herself did not hurry to build serious relations. In the first place she was studying at a university.

In 1981 on the set of the film "Take care of women"Shimanskaya met with actor Algis Arlausas. They began a stormy romance. A few weeks later, our heroine received from him a proposal of the hand and heart. The fair-haired beauty agreed. Lovers played a modest wedding, which was attended only by their friends and relatives.

Soon Marina Shimanskaya gave birth to the first child -charming daughter Olya. Algis could not look at his blood. He himself bathed and swaddled the baby. In 1990, a replenishment occurred in their family. The son of Marina and Algis - Alexander appeared. The couple dreamed of a third child. But fate decreed otherwise.

In the early 1990's, our heroine, along with her husbandand went to Spain for a permanent residence. They bought a small house in the city of Bilbao. Algis and Marina opened their own school of actors and screenwriters.

Marina Shimanskaya biography


In the period from 1994 to 2004, Shimanskaya avoided filming in the movies. On this, she had her own reasons. And in 2004 a picture appeared with her participation - "A Man Without a Man". The creators of the picture were Spanish directors.

In 2009, Marina Shimanskaya co-starred in the film"Winner". The idea of ​​creating this tape belongs to her husband - Algis Arlauskas. Marina received one of the main roles. The well-known actress has successfully got used to the image of the Russian woman Svetlana, who lives in the village.

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