Winning strategy in checkers - Petrov's triangle
The game of checkers is interesting and fascinating, and knowing some principles of the final arrangement of the figures, you can please yourself also with certain winnings.
One of the most universal, effective and most commonly used methods for constructing the final game in checkers is the Petrov triangle.
Stages of the fight
In the checkers, the Petrov triangle is the best strategy. The game is usually divided into three stages - the beginning, the middle and the final. Here we will not consider the beginning and middle of the game, but we will stop at its final stage, on which the outcome of the game depends.
First, we define the moment that followsattributed to the final. It comes when players have about 3-5 checkers left. Of course, up to this point, players have already appeared ladies, and most likely, not one by one.
It is the presence of women who easily move aroundfree board fields, significantly complicates the construction of a winning final composition. The problem is that they are difficult to catch. To systematize actions whose purpose is to build a winning combination, you need to define the task and follow the established rules. This strategy is called in the checkers triangle Petrova. The game is built on this idea.
Russian Checkers: Petrov's Triangle, or How to Prepare for the Final
The main idea of the strategy for constructing this triangle is the special arrangement of the figures. Below we consider its principles, but to begin with we will define the initial data.
This strategy is used when the player has three lefties, and the opponent has one. This is the case when it is very insulting to agree to a draw, having a significant superiority in strength.
For information: according to the rules of the game in checkers, a draw with this ratio of forces comes after 15 moves, if it is not possible to "catch" the lady before.
So, to take advantage of the strategytriangle Petrov, you need to take your three "ladies" the main ways on the checkerboard: "big road", "double line" and "line tee." And still need to build their three figures in the form of a triangle, the acute angle of which is directed at the enemy. This is called standing face to face.
Petrov's Triangle in Checkers: a sequence of actions
Follow strict sequenceactions. The first task, necessary in order to build in the drafts the triangle Petrova - his "lady" take the "big road". Only after this you can proceed to the further arrangement of the figures. If you do not get it, then there is very little chance of winning. The enemy, having settled on the "big road", has an advantage in the game and, if not to make a mistake, then, most likely, the game will end in a draw.
If you managed to take the "big road", thenthe next stage is the "double line". It should be occupied by the second "lady". Here the problem is much simpler than the previous one. You just need to "push" the enemy, leaving him no choice.
The task of the next stage is to keep the "big road" and "double line", to take also the "tee line". Here the same method of "extruding" the enemy is used.
Further - everything is simple. Keeping three directions, you need to arrange the figures in the form of a triangle and the next two moves to "kill" the enemy, sacrificing first one, and then the second lady.