/ / Herring salad: tips and recipes

Herring salad: tips and recipes

Herring spicy salting is a traditionaldish on the table of Russian citizens. However, the first fish was salted in the XIV century by Beckel, a Dutch fisherman who, thanks to his discovery, became famous throughout Europe. In Russia, the recipe for salting came after a century, and the delicacy not only took root in the country, but also became a traditional national dish.

Herring of spicy salting
After that, Russian cities began to invent their own unique recipes and technologies for pickling herring. Today, Russia is one of the leaders in the export of salted herring to other countries of the world.

Herring salad: tips

Herring can not only be bought on the market or in the store. This delicious and very useful product can be cooked at home independently, observing the basic rules.

For pickling, only fresh fish should be taken,which was recently caught. Categorically it is not recommended to use frozen, damaged or hardened fish. A dish made from such raw materials will not only not be delicious, but also dangerous for health. The best species for pickling are mackerel, salmon and herring, because they ripen faster than others.

herring salad recipe

Herring of spicy salting is best prepared usingFat fish caught on the eve of autumn or spring spawning. At this time the fish is most stocked with fat, and its taste and value is maximized.

For home salting it is better to take a large salt, preferably sea salt. It will allow to keep moisture in the fish without damaging its peel.

Slightly salted herring of spiced salting is consideredpoorly salted and is a source of harmful microorganisms and parasites that can cause serious harm to the human body. They are resistant to vinegar and salt. Therefore, in order to prepare a safe product, a brine solution of at least 11% concentration should be taken.

Herring of spicy salting should be prepared inwooden kegs, enameled glassware or glass jars. A small fish should not be gutted, which can not be said about large or medium fish. For salting small and medium-sized specimens at home, use a syringe, which is injected with a saline solution in the belly. A large herring is gutted and cut into portions.

Herring salad: recipe

For cooking, take fresh fish, large salt (100 grams), clean water (1 liter), cumin, cloves, bay leaf, sweet pepper, and sugar (2 tablespoons).

herring salting recipe

In the first place, a brine is made, for whichthey prepare spices, water and salt. All fall asleep in a saucepan and bring to a boil, then cool to room temperature. Herring should be properly gutted, made from it fillets and cut it into small pieces. After that, they are placed in a container, poured brine, shaken and put for two days in the refrigerator.

The recipe for salting herring spicy taste is alsoimplies the use of fresh fish (1 kg). You should take a large salt (3 tbsp.), Water, vinegar (2 tbsp.) Or wine (half cup), sugar (1 tbsp.), Spices and onions. The brine is prepared, as in the first case. Onions cut into rings and pour the herring over them, then pour in brine. The dish can be served on the table after 24 hours.

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