/ / What do the birds fight at the window of the house?

What do the birds fight at the window of the house?

Who among us does not believe in signs? Perhaps, there are very few of these. The majority adheres to the policy of that signs at least something, yes mean. And even if we can not prove that they are real, we still do not stop believing. So with a note about why a bird is beating out the window. Let's try to explain what it means.

what do the birds fight in the window
In order to do this, it is necessary to find out,from where the beliefs originate. It can be safely said that almost all the signs were "born" in Russia in the villages. They believed in them even when they could not realize many phenomena, when there were no explanations for some natural anomalies, cataclysms. With the help of people, people tried to protect themselves, and at the same time human desires (wealth, happiness, love) were personified. Many people knew what the birds were fighting at the window. This phenomenon was considered a bad sign. This meant, first of all, the approach of an imminent misfortune in the house, into which the uninvited guest was knocking. However, it must be said, the signs were interpreted differently even in different villages. If in one such a belief was perceived as something bad, then in the next it was believed that everything would be fine if the bird beats out the window. The sign and to this day remains unclear. For example, you can find this interpretation: if any bird (except crow) "knocks" to you, then this is a sign that you are waiting for success and success. It was believed that all the flying creatures are the souls of the dead who came to visit you. The raven was the personification of evil, that is, the birds of evil. In general, it is believed that if the bird "knocks", then this is good, but if it flies into the house, it is unfortunately, and perhaps even death.

 the bird beats the window of a sign
However, most psychics and magicians alsoknow about what the birds are fighting at the window, and they say that this is a very bad omen. According to them, if a small bird, such as a sparrow, starts to knock, then this is a foretell of the fact that someone's death will soon be in your house. That is a kind of sign for you to prepare, and for you it was not very painful. But if the bird flies into the open window, then this sign means something else. Soon a close relative will die (not necessarily in your home).

In addition, magicians who know what birds are fighting forin the window, claim that any bird on your windowsill is a symbol. And it does not need to knock. For example, if a crow is sitting on the windowsill and croaking, this may mean that your enemies have become stronger and will soon start plotting against you. Swallow, on the contrary, will be a harbinger of approaching prosperity both in the house as a whole, and for a single member of the family.

why does a bird fight in the window
According to psychologists, it is not necessary to attach hugeimportance to various signs, since most of them are no more than ordinary coincidences. Perhaps one of a thousand is true, although this has not yet been proved. Now it is clear what the birds are fighting at the window, and to believe it or not is entirely yours. Most importantly, do not forget about common sense - it certainly will help absolutely in all situations!

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