Number 7. The meaning of number 7. Numerology - the number of fate 7
For most people, the number 7 means luck. This is true, and yet it is of far greater significance than is commonly believed. But only a person who understands numerology can prove the significance of this figure.
Seven days of the week, seven colors of the rainbow, seven wonders of the world, seven notes, seven circles of hell or the seventh heaven. Everywhere the number 7.
What is this mystical figure?
In numerology there are many concepts - the language of numbers,the consciousness of numbers, the types of numbers and others, no less interesting details. All of them in one way or another concern the seven. The language of numbers is the most ancient of all now known, and the number 7 on it means Divine interference in human destiny. They say luck is blind. No matter how it is! This number of luck perfectly sees and understands everything, since numbers, besides their own language, also have consciousness. The seven have their own opinion on everything, which often does not coincide with the human. And luck always comes suddenly.
And all because she does not live by the Law of Time,but according to the Law of Eternity. How often do people think that the one or the other is not worthy of happiness and luck, so why do they get them? As they say, everything is the will of God. This is exactly the case. Because this number sees a person through and rewards those who are truly worthy.
"Divine" figure
Number 7 in numerology - divine, so itrefers to the main numbers and is the most astute of them. But, clearly seeing the essence of things, it, however, does not reveal Divine secrets to anyone. The phrase "with seven seals" here will be very appropriate. The Seven do not like magicians and soothsayers, who try and predict it with unpredictable or unknown knowledge. She is the guardian of Mystery.
And yet, what else can be said about the Seven? Lots of. Considering the category of spiritual numbers, it symbolizes the sword, while the number 8 is the shield. Together they are called to protect the ninth - spiritual knowledge. Translated into human language, we can say that a person who does business that does not contradict spiritual logic, these numbers will help everywhere and everywhere.
Moreover, the number 7 is considered an active defense, andfigure 8 - passive. One can ask how important this spiritual defense is. Man needs it constantly. Otherwise, the material principle will prevail over the spiritual. This means that the personality will lose its individuality, and there will come a spiritual death, which is much more terrible than physical death. It leads to absolute oblivion.
The value of the number 7 is very multifaceted andis contradictory. It symbolizes reason and order, analytical thinking and the philosophy of life. It contains the harmony of nature - the rainbow has seven colors, and the music - seven notes. God created the Earth in six days, and the seventh made a day off. This is what characterizes the figure 7 as the number of order and organization. A person has to work six days, and the seventh to devote rest and meditation to God. This implies the properties of numbers such as loneliness and self-knowledge.
In our time, enigmatic numerology, the number of destiny 7 are of great interest. Everyone is anxious to find out how lucky, turning to help this science.
What does the number 7 mean in the fate of each of us?
The person born on the seventh number has contradictory features, since this figure symbolizes both mystery and knowledge. This line of contradictory properties can be continued.
A person will have a strong intuition, but at the same timeBut time is capable of analytical thinking. It is a creative person with a living imagination. Strong representatives of this number become composers, musicians, poets, philosophers and thinkers, the weak will easily tighten the swamp of despondency and pessimism.
Gift from Above
If the magic number 7 refers to a name, suchman will be no less gifted than the born on the seventh. This figure constantly directs its owner in the right direction of activity - in the sphere of science and creativity. Often such people become leaders, but for this it is necessary to carefully analyze what has been achieved and clearly plan the future. But in business they will always need help from the outside. This should be remembered.
Interesting personality
The fate number is 7 - introvert. It rewards its owner with a very bright personality. It is an independent and self-contained person who always has an opinion. He has few friends, but those who are fortunate enough to find in him a reliable companion for life.
A lover of books and a connoisseur of countries - so you can describeman with the sevens in destiny. He loves to travel and, if he has enough money, he necessarily goes on a tourist trip abroad. Given this quality, we can safely say that working in a travel agency or a position associated with constant overseas business trips is what is needed for such a person. Doing the charity brings the Seven special satisfaction. They like to take care of people with disabilities, sick children and anyone who needs help.
Negative traits
Seven assigns a person and negativewith the qualities with which he fights his whole life. Such people may be prone to alcoholism, often secrecy, cunning and nervousness give them many problems. Due to the habit of speaking out loud everything that they think, these people often get into unpleasant situations.
They simply forget that diplomacy can beachieve a much greater result. But smart owners of this number choose the path of wisdom and understanding that help them contain negative features of their character. Having embarked on the path of self-knowledge, the Seven seek solutions to the mysteries of life. They have a strong intuition and often see prophetic dreams. All this leads them to the study of the occult sciences. Such people easily develop the gift of clairvoyance and often become psychics.
Good days for people with a figure of seven
The most successful days of the week for them areSunday and Monday. And the most difficult cases simply need to start on the 7th, 16th or 25th of any month. Best of all seven find a common language with those who were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th. And although people who have a number of 7 in the future are given the features of an introvert, they should have a friend who shares their interests and is always close.
The value of number 7 in marriage is huge. It gives its owners fidelity and a sense of duty. If both spouses are family members, then they establish particularly strong relationships based only on reciprocity and trust. Seven are good parents. They have strong relationships with children. They rarely make mistakes in upbringing.
These are loyal parents who try not toabuse the trust of children. Not too demanding, nevertheless they responsibly and competently approach to education of their children. For the sake of their happiness, such parents are ready to make any sacrifices. The same goes for family well-being.
Children who were born under the number 7 will be deliveredjoy to their parents. From an early age, they will amaze the others with their prudence. These children are dreamers. They like solitude when you can completely surrender to your dreams. Babies-seven have a developed by years of compassion for other people. Mild character and responsiveness make them the favorites of educators and, of course, classmates. In school they are not the most successful pupils, but innate perseverance and diligence help them cope with any tasks and problems. Parents can especially not worry about their children. The only problem - the tendency of children to be introverted - can be solved if they have frank conversations with them, encourage them to express their thoughts aloud. This is the only way to remove the child's fear and anxiety before society, which can weigh him.
The psychomatrix, or the square of Pythagoras, givesthe ability to determine the basic characteristics of a person by the date of birth of a person. And special importance is given to people who have numbers 0 or 7. These figures are special signs left by Nature itself. If there is a digit 0 in the psychomatrix of a person, during the course of his life, working in the sphere of activity defined for him, can make an important discovery for humanity. A person with a seven in a psychomatrix is protected by all the forces of Nature. It contains information that is very important for people in this historical period. And the more sevens in psychomatrix, the more important is his role in this life.
The most unlucky person is the one whothere is no number of life path 7. This means that at the moment he does not have any specific task necessary for the development of the world. He tries independently to find his calling and makes many mistakes. He is not led by Nature at the moment, she simply does not control it. Such a person can devote his entire life to finding a field of activity that would suit him. Individual qualities, laid by Nature in each person, can come to the aid here. It is the mind, insight, logic, inclination to exact sciences or, conversely, to natural sciences. All of them will prompt, as well as where better to realize themselves. And then the failures will go away.
People who have in their psychomatrix one seven,have a small amount of luck. By and large, failures and accidents are simply avoided. On this luck ends. To understand where they should open their potential and bring the world benefits, they will have to fill a lot of cones. After all, control and help from Nature are minimal. And yet, when a person takes the wrong step and gets in trouble, it's a signal that he needs to change direction and move the other way. Only such tips Nature pampers a person with a single digit 7. But do not give up. Having gained patience, you can find your way in life and accomplish the destiny ordained by Destiny. Even on the right path, it is impossible for such people to relax and continue to rely only on luck. Otherwise, the number 7 will go smoothly to 6. In this case, luck will disappear, and with it energy with health. You can avoid this if you educate yourself and constantly control the love of your parents, tolerance for people and kindness. These qualities will help to keep the number 7 in the psychomatrix. Especially if it already exists in 6. Moreover, there is always the possibility to translate this six into the number 7.
Luck in life
About people with two sevens, we can say that theyreal lucky ones. Nature guides them through life and prompts the right path for revealing the abilities inherent in it. These people quickly find the right direction through the prompts of Destiny. And if there are any troubles, then, of course, through their fault.
With two sevens you can believe in luck and notTry to find your own way. And if, nevertheless, a person, contrary to Destiny, does the opposite, not believing in his luck, then various surprises begin to happen to him. The second version of the trouble comes when the Seven goes to the six due to the failure of the debt to the parents and intolerance of others. Such people should always remember their task in this world and responsibility before the generations.
People who have three or more sevens are the mostthe real masters of their lives. They themselves build life around themselves, possessing immense knowledge about Nature and its secrets. Rare failures in the lives of such people happen only because of their fault and because of their unbelief in their own strength.
A small conclusion
Many people mistakenly believe that 7 is a lucky number. This is not quite so in reality. It will be more correct to say that the Seven bring good luck. In numerology, as you understand, there are no happy and unhappy numbers. These qualities are endowed by man.
Now, knowing everything about the number 7, you can try to find your own way that would benefit humanity.