/ Pond capacity. Decorative plastic pond in the country

Capacity for the pond. Decorative plastic pond in the country

Unique decoration of the site and a favorite placerest at the cottage becomes a pond. Even a small pond transforms the garden and disposes to a leisurely conversation on a nearby bench or relaxation on the lawn. To enjoy communication with close people in a picturesque and quiet corner of the garden, there is no need to install a complex pool with cascades and fountains. Create your own hands on the site of a decorative pond of plastic capacity is not difficult and very economical.

Artificial pond in the country

Ideas for the design of reservoirs on suburbanlots of sites on the Internet and landscape designers. Until recently, cumbersome and expensive artificial ponds in suburban areas were erected from concrete. Today, the variety of shapes and sizes of plastic containers for a pond makes it possible to equip a decorative pond in any, even the smallest, garden.

pond tank
Pond made of plastic is quick and easyis installed and does not require the strengthening of "banks" with complex terraces. Eco-friendly and durable material is easy to clean and, if desired, you can breed fish in a rigid plastic container for a pond. The installation of a plastic bowl does not require special complex ground preparation, special tools and skills for installation are not required. It is enough to excavate a pit of the appropriate capacity for a pond in the ground and decorate the reservoir to your liking.

Selecting a place for a decorative plastic pond

When choosing a site for an artificial water body, it is necessary to take into account some aspects that affect the condition of water in the pond:

  • Direct sunlight stimulates intensemultiplication of unicellular algae polluting the pond. Aquatic plants in a dense shadow grow poorly and look unattractive. Consequently, an artificial reservoir is located in such a way that it is not constantly in the shade of trees, but also not in the sun.
  • The root system of large trees can damage the walls and bottom of the plastic container for the pond. Falling foliage clogs a pond. Therefore, it is undesirable to place a decorative pond near trees.
  • Rain water, draining from the surface of the ground, accumulates in the lowlands. To avoid contamination, do not decorate the decorative pond at the lowest point of the site.

Types of plastic bowls

Containers for artificial ponds are manufactureddifferent sizes of regular round or oval shape, square or rectangular. The bowls of the irregular curvilinear configuration, reminiscent of the contours of a natural pond, are more popular. Plastic containers can not be corroded, watertight, not sensitive to low temperatures. In the manufacture of bowls for artificial reservoirs, three types of plastic are used:

  • Polyethylene is used to produce smallcontainers with a volume of 130-900 liters. Resistant to solar ultraviolet, it is durable, but with multiple bends it cracks and is not subject to restoration. When installing the polyethylene bowl, the bottom of the excavation should be perfectly even. Operates up to 10 years.
  • Polypropylene is more resistant to bending and allows installation on a finely embossed surface. Will last about 20 years.
  • Fiberglass - a high-strength, lightweight composite material - is used to make large ponds with a depth of 1.5-3 meters. Artificial ponds of fiberglass will stand for more than 30 years.

ornamental pond
Frost resistant plastic ponds are not dismantled for the winter and do not require draining of water. Today, the market is widely represented models of Russian production, as well as from Germany and China.

Installing the plastic bowl

Decorative plastic pond of small volumeis equipped with its own hands without the use of complex construction equipment. Plastic containers do not require additional sealing with film or roofing material. On the contrary, the film, laid on the bottom of the pit, promotes the accumulation of condensate between the ground and the wall of the reservoir. This leads to subsidence of the bowl and its deformation. In winter, the frozen condensate in the volume presses on the capacity of the pond.

plastic container
Installation of a plastic reservoir is carried out in several stages:

  1. The contour of the pond is drawn on the surface of the earth. The shape of the small size is turned upside down and it is outlined. The silhouette of a large reservoir is roughly marked.
  2. The pit under the pond is dug deeper than the mold by 10-15 cm and 15-20 cm wider along the contour.
  3. Under multi-level containers it is recommended to plot the second and third levels to more accurately reproduce the shape of the future pond.
  4. The bottom of the excavated trench is leveled, covered with a layer of sand in 2-3 cm, abundantly watered and carefully compacted.
  5. The pond capacity falls smoothly into the pit,is fixed by wooden struts and is filled with water by one third. After taking out the supports, the space around the bowl is filled with damp sand, and the water is added to the container. After 2-3 days, when the sand comes in and the plastic reservoir is firmly in place, the pond and the adjacent territory are decorated.

Decoration of a plastic pond

Correctly matched pond decor harmoniouslywill enter an artificial reservoir in the design of the garden. Natural and artificial elements should not completely hide the water surface of the pond. It is recommended that the protruding sides of the bowl be covered with rubble, stones or wooden beads, and protected from sunlight by ultraviolet radiation. Near the reservoir, water-loving plants are planted and figures of garden gnomes, sculptures of fairy-tale characters, animals and birds, vases and other decorations are installed.

tanks for artificial ponds
Garden paths, arbours and benches near the reservoirThey will find a more romantic appearance in the light of round lanterns reflected from the water's surface. Children like a swing, soaring up above the surface of the pond.

Care of an artificial pond

Observance of elementary rules of care artificial reservoir will retain its attractive appearance throughout the entire summer vacation time:

  • It is necessary to regularly remove from the surface of water leaves of plants and small debris.
  • Stretched over the surface of the pond during the fall leaf fall, the grid helps to collect the fallen leaves.
  • Blooming, stagnation and an unpleasant smell warns of a complete replacement of water in a decorative pond.
  • The walls and the bottom of the emptied plastic container are cleaned with a brush from the coating and rinsed with clean water.
  • Aquatic plants grow very quickly, it is recommended to consult a specialist before planting them.

pond on the idea
A well-groomed artificial reservoir, built with its skillful hands, adds charm and uniqueness to any suburban area.

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