Reproduction of a tulip. Varieties of tulips. Planting and care
Tulips - a beautiful ornament of any flower bed or lawn. With proper care, these flowers will please you year after year. There are different ways of breeding tulips.
There are many kinds of these flowers, each of themis beautiful in its own way. If once in the gardens grew mostly red tulips, now you can find flowers of all kinds of shades. The most famous varieties are Fimbria, Terry Early, Simple Early, Triumph, Simple Late, Rembrandt, Terry Late, Foster, and others.
Tulips bloom with the arrival of spring. After the snow melts, the leaves grow, after 25-30 days flowering begins, which lasts about 14 days. These flowers are rather unpretentious, they can be approached by any soil and location, but the correct choice will depend on how effective bloom will be. Therefore, for a good result, you need to take care of the location and preparation of the soil, feeding, proper and timely planting, care, digging and storing the bulbs before planting.
The most common is the reproduction of tulipsbulbs. Seed propagation is used for breeding new varieties, with flowering beginning in 7-8 years. And the result does not always correspond to expectations. This reproduction of the tulip is suitable for wild species, which do not form daughter bulbs.
Features of landing
Tulip is a perennial plant. It is planted in autumn. It is important to choose the optimal planting time, which is determined by the temperature of the soil. The best time is considered the middle of September. Too late planting flowers can cause them to lag behind in growth in the spring. Planted too early tulips can blossom in autumn, and with the arrival of frosts to perish. According to experienced gardeners, you can plant tulips in the spring, but their flowering will not be magnificent.
The colors need well-lit, drainedand a site protected from strong winds with a neutral or slightly alkaline, humus rich soil. Preceded tulips can any vegetables or flowers, except for bulbous and solanaceous cultures. It is recommended to plant flowers on the same place not earlier than in five years.
As soon as the first shoots appear, theircarefully inspect, so as not to miss symptoms of disease. Damaged plants are excavated and destroyed so that healthy tulips do not get infected. To satisfy the need of plants in oxygen, it is necessary to carefully loosen the earth. Do this regularly, especially after watering or rain.
Watering and top dressing
Until flowering begins, tulips needmoderate watering. It is important not to allow the soil to dry out. With the appearance of the first shoots, feeding is carried out using nitroammophos or crystalline with the addition of trace elements in the form of tablets.
At a time when buds begin to tie, plants need potassium and phosphorus. When the buds are being dissolved, they are fed again with a full mineral fertilizer.
Gardeners most often use the reproduction of tulips by children and daughter bulbs. Reproduction by seeds is usually done by breeders.
Vegetative reproduction of a tulip
With this method, weather conditions, insect activity, are not very important, rather than during seed reproduction. The method of vegetative reproduction of a tulip is traditional and the most reliable.
The vegetation period of tulips is small. When the flowering ends, the leaves of the plant dry. In the mother bulb, a daughter is formed, a new flower is formed.
Preparation of bulbs
Reproduction of tulips by bulbs will be successfulwith proper preparation and storage. Approximately in July, it is necessary to separate the daughter bulb from the mother bulb. After that, it must be cleaned and dried in the fresh air. Then the onions are sent for storage. At a temperature of about 20 degrees it should last about a month, after which it is necessary to transfer it to a place where the temperature is lower (about 12 degrees).
Planting the bulb
Fall bulbs are planted in the ground to a depth of10-15 cm, they quickly take root. We must first examine them, they must be clean and firm. If they are spotted, these bulbs are thrown out. Plant tulips in a row, with a distance between plants 10-15 cm, between rows - 40 cm. Begin to grow the rudiments of leaves, flowers and flowering shoots. With the arrival of the first frosts, the bed is covered with a layer of straw, leaves or humus. By the onset of winter, the shoots reach almost the surface of the soil.
Springtime, when the soil begins to thaw,the sprout comes to the surface, the development of sheets begins. In the bulb, nutrients are consumed intensively. There is a noticeable increase in the replacement bulb.
During bud formation, daughter bulbsquickly grow, the first side (grandchild) bulb is laid. When flowering begins, the plant becomes twice as tall, there is an intensive growth of leaves, a powerful development of the root system. In the daughter bulbs, the rudiment of the first leaf and grandchild bulbs is formed. This period is the most important in the development and growth of plants.
The end of the vegetative period of the plant occurs when its overground part withers and the roots die. One mother bulb is replaced by a nest of children, which differ in size.
The bulb lives on for about two and a half years, a year and a half develops from the rudiment to the replacing bulb, within one year it is an independent maternal one.
When fertilization and ovary formationthe vegetative period lasts longer. In order to germinate the seeds, you need to expend nutrients, so the size of the daughter bulbs is smaller. In summer, they continue the process of organ formation.
If the vegetative reproduction of the tulip occursusing only a replacement bulb, then after four to five years the adult plant begins to bloom. The size of the replacing bulb becomes maximum and remains so for two to three years. After that, it becomes smaller, the quantity and quality of the daughter bulbs decreases. Over time, aging and death of the replaced bulb takes place.
Reproduction by seeds
Reproduction of tulips by seeds requires a lotpatience from the gardener, since the flowering of some plants can be seen only in the seventh, and sometimes even in the twelfth year after planting. And not always the result can please.
During the ripening season, the plant is verysensitive to moisture, it is often affected by gray rot. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully examine the plants: if the tulips have noticeable necrotic tips of leaves or signs of disease are found, the fruits must be immediately destroyed.
For reproduction by means of seeds, only the strongest plants should be selected. Those who are lagging behind in growth, as well as those affected by the disease, are being destroyed.
In the event that the epidemic situationis threatening for the testes, which did not reach the maximum size, they need to be cut off, leaving a stem and one leaf. The plant is placed in clean water with a solution of boric acid (three teaspoons to ten liters of water). The capsules of plants should not touch, but it is best to put them in different containers. In one vessel there should not be more than five plants.
Collection and storage of seeds
When the boxes turn yellow, you cancarefully select the seeds by removing the husks. In healthy seeds, transparent stenochki and well visible germ. Seeds that look dull or are affected by gray rot can not be used.
So that the seeds begin to germinate, they need peace. They keep them at a temperature of about 25 ° C, with the advent of autumn planting in pots or special boxes filled with light soil, sprinkled with sand, to a depth of about three centimeters.
When the plants ascend, it is important not to allow them to dry out, a lack of moisture can lead to the death of seedlings.
Before you plant seeds, you cangerminate in the refrigerator. To do this, the seeds are placed on moistened filter paper on a plate. Shoots can be expected in three months. Sprouts should be carefully transferred to the sand, which is poured on a light soil (a layer of one centimeter) and covered with the same layer of sand. Thanks to this method, the maximum number of plants is obtained. If the seeds are sown directly into the soil in the fall, then the plant will be larger and more stable.
In the first year, seedlings are formedone onion, one root and one cotyledon, round in cross section. The next year the sheet is already flat and narrow, with every year its surface becomes more and more. Bulbs grow in weight, in the second-third year, vegetative reproduction of the tulip is already possible.
In the first year the bulbs need to be digged whenhalf of them have dried leaves, dried and stored at a temperature of 23-25 ° C. During the fall planting, the bulbs must be watered for better rooting, the soil is mulched. With the advent of spring, when leaflets appear, regular watering of the seedlings is needed until the leaves begin to die.
Planting bulbs from the container into the open groundproduce in the second to third year. After that, they need to be digged out every year and replaced every time deeper. Flowering can be expected in the fourth to sixth year, sometimes you have to wait and fifteen years.
Reproduction of tulips by seeds is a rather laborious method. Usually it is used to breed new varieties.
These exquisite flowers have a variedshape, color and size. Pink, lilac, yellow, red tulips are the ornament of the garden from the moment of melting snow and until the coming of summer, causing associations with spring heat.