How to water the orchid during flowering correctly? Orchid: care during flowering
Being in search of information, how to correctlywatering a home orchid, it is worthwhile to understand that there are general irrigation rules and its features that are relevant only during the flowering of this plant. To proceed to the question of watering a flowering orchid, it is first necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of care, since without them the issue will not be fully disclosed.
Dependence of the volume of water on the room temperature
One rule never loses its relevance: the warmer in the room where the plant is, the more abundant and often it needs to be watered. However, the pot must have a hole that will allow it to flow out of it to all that water that is redundant. Otherwise, there will be an excessive accumulation of liquid in the middle of the container. This is the direct cause of decay of the rhizome of the plant and its further destruction.
What threatens an orchid in excess watering?
It has already been said about the danger of abundantirrigation of orchids. To understand the specific cause of this phenomenon, it is worth studying the features of the plant and the metabolic processes in it. For the orchid, its root system is very important. In fact, this is the basic element of life support. As soon as diseases or problems begin in the ear of the orchid, the whole plant displays negative changes. Through the root part there is a process of water absorption, without which further transportation is impossible. If the absorption processes are violated, the leaves and flowers slowly fade. As a result, the plant slowly dies. Therefore, in spite of the fact that the most beautiful part of an orchid is its flowers, the most attention should be paid to the root in the care.
The consistency of the substrate of the orchid, as the main indicator of its state
The substrate in which the orchid grows, onthe moment of irrigation should be completely dry. In this case, do not be guided by any specific number of days, because here everything is individual. No authoritative source will give a universal answer to the question of how much to water the orchid. The owner of the flower should most control the condition of the substrate.
The total weight of the pot is the indicator of the presence of water in it
People who already have the experience of excessive wateringorchids, share one interesting observation: the dry top layer of the substrate in which it grows can not be considered an indicator that the plant needs another watering. It often happens that the top of the rock has dried, but the lower layers contain a sufficient amount of moisture. This is worth considering, looking for an answer to the question of how to properly water the orchid during flowering.
It is necessary that watering occurs already when the whole substrate is dry. Its drying is influenced by such factors as:
- the total air temperature in the room where the orchid is located;
- the illumination of the place on which there is a pot of flower;
- humidity in the room.
In that case, when to orient, how many timeswatering an orchid is difficult, there is an even easier way to determine the moisture of the earth than watching the weight. The soil in which this representative of the flora grows, from the side, is easily picked up with a finger to understand the degree of its hydration. However, do it carefully so as not to damage the plant itself.
How to water a phalaenopsis orchid during flowering?
First of all, when talking about watering of this kindorchids, like Phalaenopsis, it is worthwhile to know how to not be treated with it in any way. Never spray the flower so that water enters the core between the leaves. This will provoke the processes of putrefaction in the plant. As for the conditions of abundant lighting, then with them watering the flowers and leaves can lead to a burn of the plant. This is due to the rapid evaporation of water.
Answering the question about how to water the orchid inflowering time, it is worth mentioning the opinion that flowers should not be wetted, as such actions destroy them. When the plant does not bloom, a hot shower with a temperature of up to fifty-two degrees is recommended for him. Such measures imitate natural conditions, and therefore they are optimal for orchid.
How to water an orchid during flowering: general rules
Talking about how to water an orchid during flowering, you need to consider the place where it grows. General rules are as follows:
- if the orchid grows in a pot, pourabundantly its substrate, allowing then all the water to flow out. The necessary amount of life-giving liquid will remain, and the excess will go along with various unnecessary substances of the earth: salts, etc .;
- for orchids growing on a block (a piece of bark ortwigs), apply soaking technique. We immerse the plant completely in water so that the flowers remain on the surface. This allows the water to enrich the rhizome, but to protect yourself from decay throughout the orchid because of liquid into the core. In the water, the unit must be fifteen minutes;
- As for the hanging orchid, we remove it andWe dip the roots in a container filled with warm water. It is very important to remember that the cob should be dipped into the water gently. They are by nature sufficiently dry, and therefore in the case of inaccurate treatment may break down. To be saturated with moisture, the rhizome of the plant takes fifteen minutes. Then we take it out of the water, carefully shake it off and hang it in the usual place.
Proper care - a pledge of health of orchids
Thinking about how to water an orchid duringflowering, remember that this plant is rather whimsical. So do not overdo the water in the substrate, and also protect the flowers from direct moisture.