Flower ageratum: Ageless long-haired
Its name is the flower ageratum (translated from Greek- ageless) received for the ability to permanently preserve the color of flowers, and in Russia, for a long flowering, it is called a long-flowered. The genus of the family of astroids or Compositae includes up to 60 plant species. These are annual or perennial plants imported to Europe from Mexico. In Russia, because of the sensitivity to frost, the flower ageratum is cultivated as an annual. In winter greenhouses and greenhouses it can be grown as perennial.
The best and most famous species is considered to be the ageratumHouston (on the other - Mexican). It is a low (from 15 to 40 cm) erect compact shrub with small-toothed edges, with green oval leaves. Flowers are narrowly tubular, small, collected in fluffy, with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm, spherical inflorescences. Coloration of colors: blue, white, pink, blue or lilac - depending on the variety.
Flower ageratum is a plant that is thermophilic andlight-loving, is damaged even by weak frosts, so in the garden it should be allocated a warm and sunny place. The soil requires fertile, light, not acidic, drained and without organic substances, especially fresh manure. Drought-resistant, requires moderate watering, frequent loosening of the soil, weeding and 2-3 fertilizing per season with mineral fertilizers. With proper care blooms long and abundantly: from early July to frost. For wintering and autumn maintenance in the premises, the ageratum can be transplanted into pots at the end of the summer. Reproduction is carried out by seeds and cuttings. The flower is valuable in gardening quality: it has a perfectly developed root system, allowing the summer to carry drying and overheating of the soil.
Ageratum Pink ball is cultivated as an annual. Light-loving, fairly drought-resistant plant, reaching a height of 20-25 cm. The flowers are narrowly tubular, bisexual, small and fragrant, they are small (1-1.5 cm diameter) inflorescences of the basket, of which corymbose inflorescences are formed, about 10 cm across Grow an ageratum seedlings. Seeds are sown in the spring (from late March to early April), the finished seedlings are planted after the completion of spring frosts (May-June). The plant is thermophilic, does not tolerate frost. Use the Pink ball for planting in the balcony boxes, on the flower beds, in mixborders and rabatkah.
Ageratum Blue ball - annual, very compact plant with tenderfluffy blue inflorescences, a height of only 30 cm. As well as other species, heat-loving and light-loving. Frosts, even small, can not stand. Prefers fertile soils and sunny places. Plant a blue ball in a seedling manner. First, in a greenhouse or a greenhouse, seeds are sown at a temperature of at least 20 ° C. Seedlings appear days in 7-10. In the open ground, the finished seedlings are planted at the end of spring. To the aheeratum better bush, the tops of his pinch.
Ageratum is quite resistant to pests, butsometimes it can be affected by root rot. In the greenhouse or room, while the plants are young, they are often attacked by a spider mite and a whitefly. In such cases, it is necessary to remove the affected leaves and treat the flower several times with insecticides.
Ageratum is widely used in gardening inmixborders, on the rabatkah, suitable for pots, containers, street vases, boxes on the balcony. Transplanted into pots, plants easily hibernate in apartments, on light windows facing south. High grades are suitable for bouquets, which are especially appreciated for a pleasant delicate aroma. Very beautiful flower ageratum is combined, when decorating flowerbeds, with orange and yellow tall marigolds, white lion's pharynx, nails, orange and white dimorphote, and zinnia.