/ How to make an airplane by yourself. Homemade airborne vehicles

How to make an airplane with your own hands. Homemade airborne vehicles

Aircraft is an excellent vehiclefor those who often like to go fishing and hunting, because of its characteristics, it at times exceeds the cross-country ability of any SUV. And it can be used both in summer and in winter. True, the cost of airlifts sometimes begins with a mark of 300 thousand rubles or more. But you can go the other way by making a similar tool yourself.

self-propelled craft
Homemade airborne boats are almost inferior totheir qualities factory analogues. Therefore, every year in Russia, they are becoming more and more. And today we will consider how to make an airplane with our own hands.


The motor for our homemade can be usedfrom a conventional Soviet boat boat. But for fans of high speed this will seem a little. In this case, you should pay attention to the Japanese engines "Honda" and "Yamaha" with a capacity of 150 to 210 horsepower. Coupled with an air propeller, such a motor is capable of dispersing a boat up to 50 kilometers per hour in water and up to 90 on ice. The V-belts and the thermostat are taken from a "Zhiguly" passenger car. The driven and driving pulleys are made of duralumin steel.

Screws, blades and propeller

In addition to the engine should take care of andpropeller screw. We will produce it from a solid wooden beam. You can go and another way, by gluing several 10-millimeter plates with epoxy resin. It is important that the finished element does not contain excess knots and burrs. As for the plates, when fitting them, it is better to make a 1: 1 drawing, which will be a kind of template, and already according to these data, make an air propeller of the boat.

home-made airplanes

To make a plane with your own hands qualitatively, do not be lazy and make everything "by sight" - every detail is made according to its template and drawing.

Screw blades should also not contain burrsand other deformed areas. Similar shortcomings are removed with the help of a small hatchet. Further, the wood is processed by a planer and rasp. Cross cuts are made on a special pile. They are needed to install propeller blades.

How can I further do an airship with my own hands? For the core of the slip we need ordinary steel. The main thing is that its diameter is equal to the hole of the hub of the mentioned part. Then the rod is placed on the center of the slate board. After it is put on the preparation of the screw and pressed against the template with several blades. On this blank, the traces of the patterns (where the blades touch the propeller) should be displayed.

These places should be treated with a plane and againput in a slipway. The process of blades processing must be repeated. Further with the help of upper templates, the upper part of the screw is processed. As a result, both elements must be in contact with the plane of the connector. All processed places are marked with a colored pencil or marker, after which zones between the control section are made. The correctness of the work is checked by a steel ruler - it is applied to the points of adjacent sections. Ideally, between the ruler and the blades, the gap should be minimal.

Now the screw needs to be balanced. This is done as follows. First, a steel roller is inserted into the central hole and a propeller is mounted on the balancing rulers. If suddenly one blade turned out to be lighter than the other, it is loaded with lead (the thin strips of this metal are pasted, previously filled into the mold). The finished rod is inserted into the hole of the blade - where the lead strips were applied. On both sides it is countermeasured. The propeller is glued on both sides with fiberglass, sanded, balanced and passes the painting procedure (priming and enameling).

fishing crafts

How to do airborne yourself? Drawings and assembly of the lower case

The body of the airborne boat consists of two parts - the lowerand the upper one. It is best to start with the first one. For this, in accordance with the drawing, we prepare the frames from 12-millimeter sheets of plywood. Keel and stringers will be made of racks with a cross section of 2x2, 2x3 and 3x3 centimeters. The frames are mounted to the floor on rails and slats. To adjust the slats should be in place. They are attached to epoxy glue. Reiki for the front of the boat are preliminarily steamed in boiling water, then attached to the wire frame. After drying, the wood is permanently fixed with glue. Further the finished skeleton is leveled and filled with foam blocks. The latter, too, is planted with epoxy resin.

If necessary, polystyrene is mixed with a mixtureglue and sawdust. The body itself is pasted on both sides with a thin layer of fiberglass, after which it is ground and painted. From the inside, the unwanted foam is cut so that it is level with the frames. Further it too is pasted by fiberglass.

airplane-own drawings

Upper housing

The upper part of the body is assembled somewhat differently. Here we will use not plywood frames, but curved rails, which will be fixed on the finished lower part of the boat. Where the engine is located, the frame is fixed with kerchiefs. The frame itself is mounted to the crosspiece of a square steel pipe (4x4 centimeters) and fixed by 2.2-centimeter tubes. Then everything is simple - the foam is applied to the surface and covered with fiberglass. So we will finish the procedure of forming the upper part of the body of the self-made aircraft. Doors can be made from plywood, and the windshield is best taken from any domestic car (for example, from the rear door of the Moskvich).

How to make a fishing homemade? Controls

On the shaft of the steering wheel, a drum is mounted,connected with the traverse on the ballast steering box. Instead of the accelerator pedal there will be a small lever, which can be fixed in any front part of the boat's interior.

how to make an airplane by yourself


Armchairs for passengers and the driver are made fromwood rails and plywood. The frame is filled with foam rubber and is skinned. You can go and another way - to take ready seats from any foreign car or even a domestic car. At this stage, the question "how to make an airplane with your own hands" can be considered closed. All the other little things in the cabin are arranged according to your taste, the main thing here is to have imagination and enthusiasm.

So, we found out how to make an airplane with our own hands. Good luck!

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