/ / Tips on how to insulate the bath inside

Tips on how to insulate the bath inside

how to insulate the bath inside
Bathing procedures are able to bring duesatisfaction only if the temperature in the steam room is different from that in the street. That is why such a value has its correct thermal insulation. Warm it should be starting with the sexes. But the event will be completely meaningless if you do not arrange the foundation of the structure before that. Otherwise, the cold will still penetrate the room through the defects of its base. So, how to insulate the bath from the inside?

As you know, the foundation can be divided intounderground part and its basement. Therefore, it is also possible to conduct its insulation in two ways. The part that is underground is best isolated by a layer of expanded clay, the thickness of which should be twice the thickness of the walls. From the outside, the plinth is easiest to trim with foam, polystyrene foam or use for this purpose loose insulation, adding them to the ready-mixed concrete for foundation pouring. But how to insulate the bath from the inside, making the floors impenetrable for the cold?

How to conduct insulation of floors?

It should be known that in the bath can be floored orsolid, or ventilated floors. In the first variant the floors are laid as usual, leaving no gaps between the boards. The second option just does provide clearances, with which the floor is ventilated, quickly dries out and retains high performance for longer.

From the point of view of thermal insulation properties, wheremore reliable just a solid floor, but his longevity leaves much to be desired. This is all the more true that wood for interior decoration of baths should in no case be treated with any antiseptic. So how to insulate the bath from the inside, while maintaining the right balance between environmental friendliness and quality?

how to warm a brick bath inside
Correct device of solid floor type

When properly grounded, they useThe construction, which consists of four layers at once. To do this, the floors are laid on the logs, properly impregnated with antiseptic compounds. On top - mineral wool or fiberglass. All carefully covered with high-quality film waterproofing, which is laid in the finishing floor. That's how to insulate the bath from the inside, keeping it warm and not sacrificing your health!

We put the walls in order

Traditional interior decoration can be consideredlaying on the crate of mineral wool, protected by roll waterproofing and protected from moisture by a lining. This process, albeit reliable, but very laborious. It is carried out in several stages.

 how to properly insulate the bath inside
As we have already said, before we insulatea brick bath from the inside, you need to make a crate, on which mineral wool will be fixed. After packing, it must be carefully covered with waterproofing material. For this you can use not only special industrial materials, but also high-quality polyethylene film of sufficient thickness and strength. In any case, the insulation is overlapped. For fastening use thin slats and a construction stapler or simply brew them.

It must be said that new technologies are capable ofgreatly simplify the life of those who conduct bathhouse warming. The fact is that many modern heaters perfectly combine the qualities of not only thermal insulation material, but also waterproofing.

So you learned about how to properly insulate the bath from the inside!

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