Death to pests! Common remedy for midges
Moss are insects that take root inprivate houses and apartments. And sometimes there are so many of them that they start to bore. Then the owners of the home seriously think about how to get rid of them, and how to find a reliable remedy against midges. Usually these insects settle in the kitchen. This room they prefer to all the other rooms, because here they have something to profit. After all, in every kitchen for them there are many goodies.
Where do the midges come from?
And many people have a question about how they do in generalthere get, because often, it seems, the midges arise from nowhere. And they get into our houses in the form of eggs, along with vegetables and fruits. The females of these insects lay eggs on the ripening gifts of nature. And when we bring them home, they, having got into favorable conditions, begin to multiply intensively. Moss, although they do not live long, but reproduce very quickly. For them, enough for a few days to fill the entire kitchen. In this case, house gnats can be carriers of infection, and their bite in some people can cause allergies.
How not to let midges in the house
Since these insects did not appear yesterday and theysuccess was plagued by our ancestors who did not have modern "chemistry", but now there is more than one national remedy for gnats. For example, there have always been plants such as black elder and ferns that are reliable allies of man in the fight against these insects. To fight the gnats, the leaves and twigs of elderberry are simply laid out throughout the house. A fern is used this way: the branches of this plant are bundled and hung at open windows and doors, laid out on the windowsills. After that, bothersome insects will simply bypass the house side. Even as a means of folk from midge, you can use some herbs - for example, geranium, tansy and wormwood. Their smell is not tolerated not only by midges, but also by mosquitoes and flies.

Recipes of folk remedies from midges
In principle, today there are a lot of shopsmeans with which you can easily get rid of these insects. But these chemicals do not add health to people. Especially they are contraindicated to allergic people, asthmatics, and children too. The remedy for humans from the midges will be safer for humans. Here is the recipe for one of them. Take a tablespoon of formalin, 3 tablespoons of milk and 5 tablespoons of sweet water. All this must be mixed, pour into a plate and put a piece of bread in its center. The midge in the room will be smelly, but after contact with this liquid they will die within a few minutes. According to the second recipe, you need to stir 1.5 tablespoons of sugar in a glass of milk, wait for the sugar to dissolve, and add 3 spoons of black pepper. Then the received liquid should be saturated with paper and weighed this tool from the midge at the open windows and doors, and in other places of the accumulation of insects.
Cleanliness in the house is a method of combating the gnats.
These insects can be successfully combated ifjust starve them. This, most likely, the most reliable means of the people from midge. If you hide all the products in places inaccessible to them, then the insects themselves will be moved, since the midges do not last long. To do this, tightly tie bags with dried fruits, nuts and cereals. Banks with compotes and jam should also be kept closed. Bread should be stored in a breadbox and in packages, and vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator. The trash can should be washed and dried more often, and a chemical should be poured into the drain hole of the shell, as the midges will find what to profit there. Do not leave crumbs on the table, as well as dirty dishes in the sink. Perfect cleanliness in the kitchen for a few days will destroy the gnats completely.