Green snot in children - a sign of infection?
Green snot in children is the main problem of parents in the autumn-winter period. They appear as a result of several factors:
- presence of catarrhal disease;
- supercooling;
- decreased immunity;
- viral infection;
- possible manifestations of allergy.
Consultation of a specialist
If you have a suspicion of healthchild - contact a child's consultation. Of course, do not panic with every sneeze of a baby, but a symptom such as green snot in children is a good reason for going to the doctor. An experienced pediatrician after the examination can call a preliminary diagnosis. Of course, in order to fully establish the causes of the ailment, you will have to pass tests. Based on the conclusions from the laboratory, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. If the child has thick green snot, this may indicate an oversight of the parents.
Treatment of a cold
The best treatment is timely prevention. It's not about taking medication periodically, you just need to ventilate the room in a timely manner, monitor the temperature and humidity in the house, especially in the winter. Try not to wrap the child too warmly. Wear it in the weather. If the child moves more, it will be better to warm up. If, however, to dress the baby warmly, the clothes will restrain movement and prevent normal physical activity. If a green snot is found in a child, treatment should be timely. Do not need to drip into the nose all at once.
On the one hand, the common cold is goodsign. Snot is the natural protection of a child from viruses. If they are, then the body is able to fight the disease. In this situation, you just need to help the immune system a little. The fact that the green mucus in the nose says that the bacteria are dying, and the child is recovering. But when green snot (pus) becomes a lot, they can accumulate in the maxillary sinuses or drain into the throat and trachea. This can lead to complication of the disease. To avoid possible sinusitis, otitis, bronchitis and other ailments, it is necessary to help the child in time to overcome the disease. The main thing is to call a doctor and follow all his instructions. Understand that it is not always right to give drugs a drink. Here are the tips to help you cope with the disease:
1. Provide the child with enough warm tea and a normal microclimate in the house.
2. Stop shaking him. To be ill is natural.
3. Teach your child to blow his nose properly. The more pus will go out, the better.
4. Remember that antibiotics are an extreme measure, not a mandatory treatment!