/ / Doll Nastenka - a toy or a girlfriend?

Doll Nastenka - a toy or a girlfriend?

Young girls like to imitate their mother and dream about "their own daughter", which should be taken care of, watered and fed and put to bed.

Ten years ago, the most cherished dream of allgirls from 3 to 5 years old had a doll that closed their eyes, said the word "mom" and could walk by the handle. Now such a toy is not surprising. Today's girls dream of a doll that could communicate with them, ask questions and sing songs, in other words - about

doll nastenka
interactive toy. Recently, among them appeared a charming creation - the doll Nastenka.

Almost all interactive dolls are talking,having a certain vocabulary. The doll is like a real little girl and, like all girls, very much likes to chat. Amazing Nastenka knows a lot of words in Russian, can create more than a hundred phrases, in time with the spoken words opens her mouth and can imitate a person's facial expressions when talking. But the most amazing thing is that Nastenka doll really understands real speech, so she can easily answer questions, just like a little girl.

The talking toy bends legs and arms,the head rotates. It can be reassured if it cries, feeds and even puts on a pot. The doll Nastenka can laugh or take offense, be happy or cry. It can be combed, disguised and washed. In children's toys stores there is a wide selection of different accessories for a small "girlfriend": baths, strollers, cribs and clothes.

Interactive doll Nastenka tells poems, sings songs, makes riddles and can conduct simple dialogues with her "mom."

In order to start talking with her, you need to turn it on and activate it,

interactive nastenka doll
after uttering a phrase or a word from the list. After the puppet's answer is heard, we must continue the conversation with her, answering the doll's questions unambiguously - "yes" or "no."

Unique doll Nastenka with pleasuretell a fairy tale. And if you told a rhyme or a song you like, you can ask them to perform them again. In order to interrupt the "conversation" of the toy, you can press on its right handle and in this position hold it for 3-5 seconds. If the doll does not communicate more than 45 seconds, it goes into "sleep mode".

Since the Nastenka doll is interactive,developing a toy, it teaches the child to be caring and attentive, awakens curiosity and imagination in the baby. She develops the child's speech, makes it more clear. After all, the "girlfriend" completely does not understand the vaguely asked questions and can constantly repeat "Speak louder, I do not hear". A talking doll will teach role-playing games and help to master the simplest communication skills.

Nastenka interactive doll
Unfortunately, like any toy, througha week or two doll Nastenka bored. Children stop talking to her and play sometimes, as with an ordinary toy: they feed them with spoons, change clothes and comb their hair. For many young children, it is difficult to communicate with her and conduct conversations. Therefore, this doll should be bought when the girl turns 5-6 years old and she quite consciously can play with Nastenka in the "daughter-mother."

Manufacturers of such interactive toys forchildren often boast that their dolls are very similar to little girls. But I would not want toy friends to replace these kids with real ones. Let the dolls remain ordinary puppets.

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