Dairy shop - design and equipment
The share of dairy production is 1/3part of the total foodstuffs of the country's agro-industrial complex. Milk and products of its processing are an integral part of the diet of children and adults. Therefore, it is very important to provide them with the population in accordance with the norms of consumption. With the task set, the dairy shop, the plant, can cope. How do the enterprises of the dairy industry, what is produced and what equipment, read in the article.
Designing of dairy industry enterprises
To run an enterprise you need to have availablecompetently developed projects of dairies, which will serve as a guarantee of conformity of the future plant to all norms. With it, permits can be obtained quickly and without problems.
The industrial sector of dairydirection is a whole complex or a dairy shop that produces the appropriate products, which includes butter, whole and powdered milk, cheeses, ice cream, canned milk and much more. For the production of products, the enterprise is equipped with equipment, the selection of which is carried out during the development of the project.
The tasks assigned to the design
The main thing in designing is the maximum use of resources in order to obtain high profits. For this you need:
- Determine the list of products and calculate the capacity of the enterprise.
- Develop a project of technological processes for all installations and production lines.
- Select the necessary equipment for equipping the company.
Design by stages
To carry out this process, the following work is performed:
- The design capacity of the enterprise is calculated. The assortment and volume of products manufactured in the future is determined.
- A scheme is developed for the dairy shop to ensure maximum output with minimal waste.
- For each type of product is determined by the volume of its output, the necessary equipment for its production, as well as raw materials and resources.
- A schedule of all processes for manufacturing products is made. It is necessary to calculate the resources that are water, steam, electricity, and engineering networks.
- The equipment is selected taking into account all the requirements for it.
When all the design stages are completed,begin to build a new premises or re-equip the old one. While construction is in progress, equipment is being ordered. Remains to install it and train the staff to work on it.
To start production, you need to firstcomplete the dairy shop. Equipment in the complex has several types of different machines and units performing a specific function. Such a chain of sequentially installed equipment is called a line for processing milk. It includes the following equipment.
This type of equipment consists of packagings, inwhich receives and stores milk. These are fermenters, intended for souring milk by special technology; baths in which pasteurization is carried out and much more.
In them, cream is extracted from milk. With the help of back separators, the raw materials are cleaned from foreign inclusions.
Using additional devices, milk is divided by fat content. Separator mechanisms can be used to separate similar products.
This kit is one of the components of the lineon milk processing, which has every dairy shop. The equipment is intended for obtaining a finely divided mass and an emulsion from milk formations. Homogenizers are included in the equipment set of an enterprise for the production of cream, canned milk and frozen milk products.
Heat exchanging units
These are coolers and pasteurizers of various types. The chillers can be based on freon, chilled water, ice, propylene glycol. These settings are good because the accumulation of ice in them occurs in advance, so the cooler can be turned on as needed and it will perform its function. This is very important for saving money, because the tariffs are set for electricity depending on the time of day.
Heat exchangers are designed for cooling milk. For this, the tanks are irrigated with ice water. The devices work at high speed.
The milk shop must be equipped with pasteurizers. They are part of the milk processing line. They are used for the destruction of pathogens in raw materials.
This is achieved through the heat treatment of milk, which after this process is called pasteurized. Thanks to this, the product retains its value in full.
This type of equipment, which is part of the linefor processing milk, is intended for the conversion of liquid and powdered components into emulsions. Such equipment is equipped with dairy factory shops, producing curd pastes and curds, margarines and mayonnaise.
Other production plants
The development of the dairy industry is notstops. Old equipment is being improved and new is being invented. Particularly in demand are the plants used to produce cottage cheese, cheese, butter, ice cream, condensed milk. The dairy industry has production lines for the restoration of dried milk.
Any dairy shop is equipped with plants,use of which helps to fulfill sanitary and hygienic requirements. These include equipment for washing and processing devices that come into contact with milk.
Milk production scheme
The scheme of the milk production process includes the following operations:
- Receiving raw materials. The milk received by the dairy enterprise is evaluated for its quality, its weight and volume. Then the raw material is pumped from the tanks installed in the cars to the tanks.
- Cleaning of all kinds of inclusions.
- Normalization, if the enterprise produces such milk. This process determines the mass fraction of fat in normalized, pasteurized and melted milk.
- Formulation of mixtures for milk containing various fillers.
- Pasteurization.
- Cooling.
- Adding vitamins to milk, if it is produced.
- Filling in bags, bottles, jars.
- Capping of containers and its marking.
- Storage of finished goods in a warehouse.
- Transportation to destination.
Modular dairy shop
Milk processing is the most important industryeconomy. Great demand is enjoyed by products produced by private firms with small capacities. Mini-milk shops produce milk pasteurized, kefir, sour cream, fermented milk, cheese, cheese, butter and much more. Usually the assortment of dairy products of such enterprises is large.
For a person who decided to start producingdairy products, it is important that its enterprise is compact and profitable. For this purpose, a modular workshop is ideally suited, which is a building in the form of a container with a heating system, ventilation, water and electricity. Inside, a technological line is installed, equipped with equipment that allows to receive, process and produce finished products packed in individual containers.
The advantage of modular enterprises: factories or workshops is their compactness. Although they are small, but are able to perform the acceptance of raw materials, pasteurize and ferment it. Here you can make pasteurized milk, yoghurt, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese. Process control is carried out by the panel. For the change the modular enterprise can process 500-1000 liters of milk.