/ / Types of business communication

Types of business communication

Business communication is a type of communication,the purpose of which is the exchange of information between existing or potential partners. During business communication important issues are solved, goals are set and achieved, personal and business qualities are acquired. To better understand all this, you need to understand what kinds of business communication exist.

Direct and indirect

All kinds of business communication are divided into two groups: direct and indirect. Direct means communication that occurs directly between partners who are not divided by spatial and temporal barriers. This can be a business conversation, negotiations. By indirect means contact, which is carried out with the help of technical means (telephone, Internet). Experience shows that, whenever possible, one should strive for direct communication, since it is considered the most effective for achieving any goal. Nevertheless, live communication, when the interlocutors see each other, can not be compared with anything else.

Verbal and nonverbal

There are such types of business communication asverbal and non-verbal. Verbal is communication with the help of words, non-verbal is communication with the help of gestures, facial expressions, poses. A person's non-verbal portrait can be made according to the poses he chooses to conduct a conversation, how he looks at his interlocutor and with what intonation he utters this or that information.

Technology of business communication can be carried out through various ways and forms of communication. Depending on this, the following types of business communication are distinguished:

Business meeting

This is the meaning of such a business communication, when the whole collective of an enterprise or firm is going to together to discuss pressing problems or to make a common decision.

Public speaking

This kind of business communication is in some measurecontinuation of the previous one. It is here that one person informs his colleagues or another group of people. The speaker should clearly understand what he is talking about, and his speech should be clear to the public.

Business talk

This is a kind of business communication, in whichthere is an exchange of information on some, the most important at the moment, the topic. For example, this includes the discussion of work processes by employees of the enterprise. During a business conversation, you do not need to make a decision.

Business meeting

Unlike the previous type of communication, the finalthe result of negotiations is finding the right decision and its adoption. Business negotiations have a specific clear focus, the outcome of which can be the signing of important contracts and deals.


During business communication without dispute,is not always given. Often, it is only thanks to the clash of interests and the upholding of the participants' positions that they manage to come to a decision. But sometimes it is the dispute that prevents it from being accepted.

Business correspondence

This is an indirect way of business communication, with the help ofwhich information is transmitted through a letter. For example, here you can include written orders and requests. Business correspondence can be carried out by sending emails, which saves time. There are two forms of business correspondence: a business letter (sent by one organization to another) and a private official letter (sent by a private person on behalf of the organization to another private person).

Speaking of business communication, we should mention its main phases.

Phases of business communication

· Preparation for communication.

· The phase of communication (contacting).

· Concentration of attention (on some problem or feature).

· Maintaining attention.

· Argumentation and persuasion (in case the interlocutors' thoughts diverge).

· Fixing the result (end the conversation at the right time).

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