/ How much hay for a cow for winter? Features of keeping animals

How much hay should a cow need for the winter? Features of keeping animals

Summer is a hot season for those who are professionallyfarming animals. It was during this period that farmers need to have enough cows to feed enough for the whole winter. After reading this article, you will learn about the main features of the content of cattle in the cold season.

What to give the animals in the cold?

Any host should take care oflivelihood for their cattle, so many inexperienced farmers are concerned about what to feed the cow in the winter. In the cold months, the basis of the lactating individual's diet should be hay, root crops and silage. If you lack a dry grass, then the situation can be corrected. In this case, it can be partially replaced with chaff and spring straw. By the way, the nutritional value of the latter is in no way inferior to poor-quality dried grass.

how much hay for a cow for winter

Those who are interested in how much hay a cow needsfor the winter, you should take care of harvesting enough other fodder. So, during this period in the ration of cattle must be present beets. It contains amides, which contribute to the production of milk. This root is rich in sugar, but it has very few proteins. That is why it is recommended to give it in combination with mixed fodder, bran, barley or oatmeal.

What should be taken into account when storing winter fodder?

Despite the seeming simplicity, hay making -A complex process that requires the availability of certain knowledge. It is necessary not just to mow the grass in time, but also to dry it properly. On this depends the quality and nutritional value of the finished hay. In order to preserve as many vitamins and other valuable substances as possible in the finished product, the grass should be dried as soon as possible. Do not do this under the open sunlight, because in this case from the sloping vegetation the lion's share of useful components will evaporate.

hay making

It is important to take into account the fact that legumes are dried longergrass. Particular attention should be paid to flowers and leaves, since these parts of plants contain many valuable substances. Harvesting of hay in the forest-logging regions implies preliminary kneading of the mown grass followed by pressing into loosened swaths.

Features of care for animals in the cold season

Those who think that the changes concern only thediet, are deeply mistaken. Despite the fact that many owners prefer to lock animals in the barn, fearing that staying in the cold will result in hypothermia and decrease in milk yields, the cows' content in winter presupposes a short walk of the herd in the fresh air. In fact, healthy individuals will not be harmed by a two-hour walk in the pen, located near the cattle farm.

cow food

It is important that the place of walking is maximallyprotected from cold wind. It is desirable to equip this pen with feeders filled with fresh spruce or pine branches. It is recommended to accustom gradually to such walks of animals. It's better to do this from autumn. Do not let the animals out on the street in twenty-degree frost, in the rain and snow.

How much hay should a cow need for the winter?

In fact, there are no clearly definedspecifications. This indicator depends on many factors, including the mass of the animal and the volume of milk produced. An important role is played by the period of pregnancy in which this or that individual will be.

what to feed the cow in winter

To those who want to understand how much hay a cow needsfor the winter, it will be interesting to know that this also depends on the quality and quantity of the entire food base. The average daily rate per animal is about fifteen kilograms. But if in the ration of cattle additionally there are various food waste, concentrated and juicy feed, then this amount will decrease.

The important influence is rendered by quality and nutritiousnessthe hay itself. If it turns out to be easy and low-calorie, its consumption will change in the direction of increase. Taking as a basis the average daily rate of fifteen kilograms of hay, you will have to procure three tons of this product for the season.

Warming of a barn

Determining how much hay is needed for the cowwinter, it is important to say a few words and about where these animals should live in the cold season. If possible, a shelter intended for keeping cattle should be insulated. You need to do this in advance.

cows in winter

If necessary, glaze windows andrepair the front door. Also you need to make sure that the exhaust ventilation pipe is working. It is important to remember that, according to the established standards, the optimum temperature in the shed where the cows live is between eight and twelve degrees. It is recommended to use pre-dried sphagnum peat as litter. In case of deficiency of this material, it can be partially replaced with sawdust, fallen leaves or wood shavings.


The basis of the ration of cattle ishay. It should be harvested for the winter at a rate of 3-5 kilograms per one centner of live weight. Consequently, one cow per day is able to eat about 15 kg of this product.

To calculate how much hay is neededto prepare, it is necessary to multiply the average daily rate for the duration of the stall period. In addition, one cow is recommended to feed about five kilograms of chaff and straw. They also need to stock up in advance.

An equally important role in the feeding of cattle is given toconcentrated feeds. For these purposes fodder crops are best suited, including barley, wheat and oats. It is important to ensure that the animal does not put on the moldy grain, as this can be bad for its health.

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