/ / Dentistry in Tsaritsyno. Dental clinic number 62: address, mode of operation

Dentistry in Tsaritsyno. Dental clinic number 62: address, mode of operation

If you need a good dentistry in Tsaritsyno,not far from the metro, you should take a look at the "Stomatological polyclinic № 62 DZM". It is located in the literal sense of 5 minutes walk from the metro at the address: st. Caspian, 38 (only in the subway it is necessary to leave from the part of the driver, if to go from the center). The clinic accepts patients 7 days a week, from 8.00 to 20.00, and on Sunday at the same time (room number 105) you can get emergency dental care.

dental clinic 62

Brief information

This dental clinic works almost 20years - since December 1997. The clinic constantly updates medical equipment and introduces the latest treatment technologies. So, in 2012, a complete modernization was carried out, in which Italian dental units, modern radiovisiographs, the latest generation computer tomograph, orthopantomograph and other modern equipment appeared in the cabinets.

Dental implantation and dental prosthetics, new technologies for aesthetic dental restoration, laser technologies in the treatment of teeth and periodontium have become possible in the clinic since 2013.

Today this modern dental center offers such dental services:

  • service under the program of state guarantees (OSM policy);
  • dentures on preferential terms;
  • high-tech dental care;
  • Endoscopy and periodontics services;
  • high-tech services for surgery, implantology, aesthetic and orthopedic dentistry, orthodontics on a fee basis.

The clinic is considered the largest in Moscow dental center, providing free services in the system of medical insurance.

dentistry in Tsaritsyno

About achievements and scientific work

Dental clinic number 62 - this is notonly a medical institution, but also a clinical base for two leading medical institutions in Moscow: the Department of Faculty Dental Surgery of the First Moscow Medical University. IM Sechenov and the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. Employees of the departments conduct patients' reception (odd numbers, from 9.00 to 13.00).

Medical staff of the medical institution constantly participates in professional dental competitions in Moscow, and many specialists have repeatedly become their students and winners.

In 2016, by the Day of the Medical Officer, the honorary medical worker of the city and the honored doctor of the city were awarded here.

dentistry 62


Every day this wide-ranging dental institution is able to serve 2,600 outpatients.

Dentistry number 62 in Tsaritsyno has 10 branches, among them:

  • 3 therapeutic dentistry (1, 2, and 3 departments);
  • 2 orthopedic departments;
  • dental surgery;
  • paid branch;
  • physiotherapeutic;
  • X-ray room;
  • dental prosthetics laboratory (there are more than 60 dental technicians).

Here all types of therapeuticdental care, perform surgical operations: extraction of teeth (including complex cases), correction of bite. In addition, dentistry No. 62 provides paid services for the diagnosis and treatment of salivary gland diseases, treats sinusitis, removes foreign bodies from the maxillary sinuses with modern endoscopic equipment, here they treat periodontal and oral mucosa with the help of modern laser equipment.

Another important area of ​​treatmentThe activity of this clinic is aesthetic dentistry (on a paid basis): replacement of seals, installation of pins, restoration of anterior and lateral teeth (installation of veneers, dental decoration).

In surgical operations on a paid basis, piezosurgery is used, on soft tissues - a diode laser, which makes operations less traumatic, allows restoring complex teeth.

Orthodontics will include all types of prosthetics: crowns (including on the cult inserts), bridges, implants, artificial jaws. Dentistry is carried out including modern cermets.

Dental clinic № 62 provides a wide range of services in the field of dentistry on modern equipment using quality materials of the latest generation.

dentistry tsaritsyno polyclinic

How are patients treated under the MHI policy?

This dentistry in Tsaritsyno providesdental care only by the system of medical insurance to the adult population (after 18 years) living in the Southern Administrative District of Moscow. Here for free dental services, patients who are attached to the following health facilities can apply:

  • City polyclinic № 52 (branches № 1, 2, 3).
  • City polyclinic № 166 (branches № 1, 2, 3).
  • City polyclinic № 214 (branches № 1, 2).

Patients under the MHI policy are served by alltherapeutic departments and a department of surgery and can receive free treatment (caries, pulpitis, periodontitis therapy), as well as surgery services (tooth resection and cysts, abscess opening on medications).

Dentistry in Tsaritsyno has a preferentialdental prosthetics according to legislation. However, according to the compulsory medical insurance it will not be possible to do prosthetics of the teeth or preparation for it, cosmetic dentistry, prevention of dentistry (dental cleaning) is not included.

In order to get free services, you needundergo the procedure of attachment. Dentistry No. 62 in Tsaritsyno offers its customers an appointment at 8 (495) 539-30-00 or on the "State Service" portal, as well as through EMIAAS (EMIAS.INFO, but now this system is temporarily not working).

In order to be able to useservices of dentists in the polyclinic for CHI, you need to go through the registration procedure of the attachment (daily, from 9.00 to 19.00, except for weekends). To do this, you need: a document proving the identity of the patient, and a copy of the policy, and personal presence is optional.

Dentistry in Tsaritsyno rendersdental care in the system of free medical insurance to non-resident patients. To do this, they need to go to room 101 from 9.00 to 16.00 (except weekends) for attachment.

paid dentistry Tsaritsyno

About the prices for services and new tariffs

There is also paid dentistry, Tsaritsyno has 11 clinics of this profile in the metro area. Services dental clinic number 62 DZM one of the most inexpensive in this area of ​​Moscow.

The price of treatment on a paid basis will be within the framework ofeconomy class. This dentistry positions its services as inexpensive. So, art restoration of a tooth will cost in 2200 r. (the average price in Moscow is 2500 rubles).

However, today the website contains price lists that are valid until September 16, 2016. No new ones yet.

Who can get paid treatment

To receive treatment for a fee, you needsign up by phone. 8 (906) 038-35-35 and 8 (495) 321-31-12 or in the office number 101. Any patient can receive this kind of services, regardless of the place of residence and the availability of CHI.

Here, treatment is done without waiting at the patient's convenient time, however, recording to a particular doctor will depend on its workload.

dentistry 62 in Tsaritsyno

What patients write

New admission schemes, modernComposite materials for work and the newest methods of treatment and restoration of teeth are introduced into life today by the largest dentistry Tsaritsyno. The clinic and its friendly staff for many years of work have earned a good reputation and many excellent reviews of patients.

Positive reviews take up most of the forumsabout this clinic. Most often in their posts, patients thank the medical staff for the quality of treatment. Quite often statements about the attentive attitude to visitors' problems, high qualification of the personnel, fast and qualitative treatment.

Often, users of social networks note good services when going to the house and qualified help in emergency cases at the weekend.

In a number of cases, patientsdissatisfaction - they are offered paid services (anesthesia) for free treatment. However, you should know that the list of services for CHI is somewhat narrowed, and if the patient wants to get additional treatment, you will have to pay. Another problem point is the big waiting list for a free reception.

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