"Idrinol": instructions for use. Reviews, prices, description of the preparation
What are the properties of the drug "Idrinol"? Instructions for use and pharmacological characteristics of this tool will be presented in this article. Also we will tell you about the form in which the medicine is issued, how much it costs, what side effects arise after its use, whether there are contraindications, etc.
Composition of the product, its form, description and packaging
In what form is the drug releasedIdrinol? Instruction for use informs us that this drug is available for sale as a solution intended for parabulbar as well as intravenous administration.
The medicament in question iscolorless transparent liquid. Its active ingredient is meldonia dihydrate. Distilled water is used as an auxiliary.
The medicinal solution is sold in ampoules (1 ml), which are placed in plastic cell packs (5 pieces each), and then into cardboard packs.
Farmakodinamika drugs
What is a druga remedy like Idrinol? Instructions for use say that its active substance (meldoon) is a structural analogue of the gamma-butyrobetaine, that is, an element that is present in every cell of the human body.
Meldonium is able to suppressgamma-butyrobetaine hydroxy genase, reduce the synthesis of carnitine, transport of fatty acids (long chain) through the cell membranes, and also prevent the accumulation of activated forms of fatty unoxidized acids, i.e. derivatives of acylcoenzyme A and acylcarnicin.
Operating principle
How does the medicine affect the human body?Idrinol? The instructions for use contain information that, with such a deviation as ischemia, the drug in question is able to balance the processes of oxygen delivery, its consumption in cells, and also to prevent disruption of the transport of ATP. Along with this, the drug activates glycolysis, which proceeds without consumption of O2. After lowering the carnitine concentration, gamma-butyrobetaine begins to be synthesized, which has a vasodilating effect.
The principle of the drug determines itspharmacological effects: decrease in signs of physical and mental overstrain, a marked increase in efficiency, activation of humoral and tissue immunity.
It should also be noted that this medicationhas cardioprotective effect. With ischemic myocardial damage (acute), it is able to slow the formation of necrosis zones, and also to shorten the rehabilitation period. During heart failure, the drug increases tolerance for physical exertion, improves myocardial contractility and reduces the frequency of seizures. With chronic and acute disorders of cerebral circulation of ischemic nature, the drug is able to improve blood circulation (including in the ischemia focus). It should also be noted that the agent in question is highly effective in the case of vascular pathologies of the fundus. In addition, this medicine quickly eliminates disturbances in the work of the nervous system in patients with chronic alcoholism (especially during the period of abstinence).
Pharmacokinetics of medicament
How long does the absorption take place?Idrinol? Instructions for use, reviews of pharmacists inform patients that the highest concentration of this drug in the blood is achieved almost immediately after administration. In the human body, it is metabolized with the formation of two major metabolites. They are excreted through the kidneys. The half-life of the drug is approximately 4-6 hours.
Medicines on prescription are released, you can notto buy in a pharmacy without the appropriate document, only at will. Medication "Idrinol" refers specifically to such medical devices. What is it for? According to the attached instructions, this drug should be used in the following pathological conditions:
- in the complex treatment of cerebral circulation disorders of an acute nature (cerebrovascular insufficiency and ischemic stroke);
- with reduced working capacity, as well as physical overstrain (including those involved in sports);
- in the complex treatment of IHD (myocardial infarction and angina pectoris), as well as cardiomyopathy of dyshormonal and cardiac failure chronic;
- for the treatment of hemophthalmia and hemorrhage inthe retina of the eye of various origins, thrombosis of the central vein of the retina, as well as its branches, retinopathy of various origins (hypertensive or diabetic);
- for the treatment of withdrawal syndrome, which occurs in chronic alcoholism (in combination with specific therapy).
Under what conditions can not be usedmedication "Idrinol"? Experts say that this drug is not recommended for patients with increased sensitivity to active substances of the drug, with increased intracranial pressure (with intracranial tumors and venous outflow disorders), and also at the age of 18 (since the safety and efficacy of the drug are not established ).
It should also be noted that patients with impaired renal and hepatic function should apply the medication in question with extreme caution.
Dosage of the drug and methods of its administration
When should I use Idrinol, the price of which is presented below? Due to the possible exciting effect of the drug is recommended to enter in the morning.
As part of complex treatment forcardiovascular pathology medication is prescribed intravenously for 0.5-1 g (that is, 5-10 ml solution) or parabulbarno at 100 mg / ml. This dosage can be used immediately or divided into two injections.
The course of treatment with this drug is 10-14 days. Repeated courses are prescribed only by a doctor (usually 3 times a year).
When the circulation of the brain is disturbed (in acutephase) the drug is administered parabulbarno at 100 mg / ml or intravenously at 500 mg (that is, 5 ml of the solution). Injections are performed once a day for 10 days.
With reduced performance, as well asphysical overstrain, the drug is prescribed intravenously for 500 mg (i.e., 5 ml of solution) or parabulbarno at 100 mg / ml once a day. The course of therapy is 2 weeks.
With abstinence syndrome, which manifests itself whenchronic alcoholism, the drug is prescribed intravenously for 500 mg (ie, 5 ml solution) or parabulbarno at 100 mg / ml twice a day. The duration of therapy is 10-14 days.
In ophthalmopathology, the drug is used parabulbarno for 50 mg or intravenously for 0.5 ml for 10 days, including in combination therapy.
Side effects
How is the patient treated with Idrinol? The injections almost never cause side effects. However, in rare cases, some patients still complain about the deterioration of well-being. The most common reactions are:
- Nervous system (central): psychomotor agitation.
- Vessels and heart: decrease or, conversely, increase of blood pressure, tachycardia.
- Digestive tract: dyspeptic disorders.
- Allergies: a rash, skin itch, hyperemia of the skin, angioedema angioedema, eosinophilia.
- Others: general weakness.
Medication "Idrinol": analogues and cost
The preparation under consideration has many analogues. Among the most effective are the following: Angiocardil, Mildronate, Vazomag, Mildroksin, Cardionate, Midolat, Medatern, Melfor, and Meldoniy.
How much is the medicine "Idrinol"? The price of this drug is not very high. On average, you will have to pay about 150 Russian rubles for 5 ampoules of the medicine.
What do patients say about such a drug asIdrinol? Reviews say that this drug copes well with the task. Doctors say that if used according to the testimony, it effectively treats acute circulatory disorders of the brain, ischemic heart disease, and abstinence syndrome, which occurs in chronic alcoholism. In addition, this medicine improves working capacity and eliminates physical overstrain.
It should also be noted that most patients are happy with the low price of the drug.
Terms, conditions of storage and leave
Prescription drugs, which, in fact, the medicament "Idrinol" refers to, can not be used at personal discretion. They should be prescribed only by a doctor.
This drug belongs to the list B. The medicine should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 26 ° C in a place inaccessible to children. The medicine should not be frozen. Shelf life of the medicinal product is three years.