/ / What is ascorbic acid for? Ascorbic acid in tablets

What is ascorbic acid for? Ascorbic acid in tablets

Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is one ofthe most famous organic compounds used for both prevention and treatment of many ailments. It has special significance in the prevention and treatment of colds, and is also necessary to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Today we learn what properties have ascorbic acid, for which it is still assigned. Also find out what are the consequences if this vitamin is not enough in the human body, or, conversely, there is an excess of it.

Properties of organic compound

What features does ascorbic acid have? What is it for the human body? The fact that it helps in the process of regulation of blood clotting, carbohydrate metabolism, tissue regeneration. Also, vitamin C perfectly promotes the increase in the body's defenses. Ascorbic acid is not formed in the human body, but comes only with food. If the person is fully nourished, then she will never experience a deficit of this organic compound.

Vitamin with ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acid: what is needed?

Vitamin C is needed in such situations:

  1. For the treatment and prevention of hypo-and avitaminosis.
  2. For children in the period of their active growth.
  3. With increased loads (both physical and mental).
  4. Patients who have problems with blood coagulability, doctors prescribe vitamin C.
  5. Ascorbic acid helps the human body to resist various infections.
  6. For women who are in an interesting position, as well as during the breastfeeding of an infant.
  7. In overwork, stressful conditions.

Ascorbic acid: the instruction. Tablets for ingestion

How much vitamin C does the human body need to ensure that there is neither an overabundance nor a lack of this organic compound?

To prevent the doctor prescribed ascorbic acid in tablets in the following amount:

- For adults - 0,05-0,1 g (corresponds to 1-2 tablets) per day.

- For children from 5 years - 1 tablet a day.

For treatment, specialists set a dose of vitamin C:

- Adults - 1-2 tablets 3-5 times a day.

- Children from 5 years - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

Ascorbic acid in tablets can alsoappointed to women in the position and nursing mothers. Doctors prescribe for this category of people 6 tablets per day for a period of 10 days, and then 2 pills a day.

ascorbic acid

special instructions

Now it is clear how much ascorbic acid is needed for children and adults for prevention, and also for treatment. Further we will clarify the peculiarities of using vitamin C in tablets:

- With caution, you need to use pills for people who have problems with the kidneys.

- If a person has urolithiasis, then the daily dose of this vitamin should not exceed 1 g.

- Patients who have a high iron content in the body should use the drug in small doses.

- One-time intake of tablets with alkaline drink leads to a decrease in absorption of vitamin C, so ascorbic acid should not be washed down with such mineral water.

- Do not administer the drug in large doses to people who have increased blood coagulability.

- With prolonged intake of vitamin C, you need to monitor the function of the kidneys, pancreas, and monitor blood pressure.

- Such tablets can not be drunk to people who have inflammation of the walls of the veins and their further blockage.

Consequences of lack of vitamin C

Even a slight decrease in the level of ascorbic acidacid can affect the fact that a person will feel weakness, fatigue, he will not have an appetite, there will be nosebleeds. Due to the fact that the walls of the capillaries become fragile, a person can soon develop bruises - even if only to press on the skin.

how much ascorbic acid

A complete absence of ascorbic acid inthe body leads to the fact that the patient develops scurvy. This is a very dangerous disease, accompanied by swelling of the gums, their bleeding and soreness. Because of this, they lose the ability to retain the roots of the teeth. Also, a person will soon have hemorrhages of the internal organs.

The effects of excess vitamin C

Excess ascorbic acid is also not healthy, as it can lead to such unpleasant symptoms as:

- diarrhea;

- a feeling of heat;

- Insomnia;

- headache;

- Increased blood pressure.

With special reasoning, the girls inan interesting situation, should take vitamin C. Ascorbic acid can adversely affect their health. It turns out that with the excess of this organic compound, a woman may even have an abortion.

Also, you can not abuse this vitamin also because a person can have stones in the kidneys, blood sugar will begin to increase.

ascorbic acid for what

What foods are the most vitamin C?

Ascorbic acid is found in many vegetables and fruits: sweet red pepper, black currant, dill, spinach, onion, cabbage, parsley, sorrel, sea buckthorn, kiwi, lemons, oranges.

Most of all vitamin C is in dry hips (in 100 g of the plant there is 1200 mg of this organic compound).

Now you know what effect on the bodyhas ascorbic acid, for which it is necessary and to what consequences can lead to uncontrolled reception. It was found out in what quantity it is necessary to drink vitamin C in tablets, so that there will not be an overabundance of this organic compound, and, of course, that the result should come.

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