"Panocid 40": instructions for use, reviews, analogues
Diseases of the digestive tract are the mostcommon. Therefore, very many pharmaceutical companies produce a large number of drugs to treat such diseases, as well as improve digestion.
Huge popularity in our country uses such a medicine as "Panocid 40". Instruction, reviews, analogues and indications for the use of this drug are presented below.
Packaging, shape, composition
The drug "Panocid 40" is available in the form of tablets. They include one and a half sodium pantoprazole sodium, as well as auxiliary substances such as anhydrous sodium carbonate, mannitol E 421, ENS-II-041 yellow dye, hypromellose 5 CPS, calcium stearate, crospovidone and IC-S-329 dye.
On sale this product can be found in blisters, which are packed in packs of cardboard.
Properties of the medicine
What is a tool like"Panocide 40"? The instructions for use state that it is an inhibitor of the H + -K + -ATP phase. It disrupts the transfer of hydrogen ions from the parietal cells into the lumen of the stomach, and then blocks the secretion of hydrochloric acid.
In peptic ulcer associated with Helicobacter pylori, this effect on gastric secretion increases the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics.
Kinetics of the agent
After ingestion, Panocid 40 is rapidly absorbed and binds 95% to plasma proteins.
Metabolism of pantoprazole occurs in the liver. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood serum is observed after 2.5 hours. The therapeutic effect of the drug persists throughout the day. About 80% of the drug is excreted by the kidneys, and the rest - along with feces.
Tablets "Panocid 40", the instruction of which is described below, is prescribed for:
- duodenal ulcer
- reflux-esophagitis of severe and moderate degree;
- stomach ulcer;
- Helicobacter pylori presence in people with peptic ulcers, which were caused by this microorganism (in complex therapy);
- Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, as well as other hypersecretory conditions.
Prohibitions for admission
Medication Panocid 40, analogues of which are indicatedbelow, can not be used with increased sensitivity to pantoprazole, as well as to any components of the drug. It is also not used for combination therapy to eradicate Helicobacter pylori in patients with hepatic or renal insufficiency of severe or moderate severity.
It should also be noted that this remedy, like other inhibitors of the proton pump, can not be used together with "Atazanavir", during pregnancy, up to 15 years and during lactation.
Medication Panocid 40: instructions for use
The recommended dosage of this drug for children from 15 years and adult patients is 1 tablet once or twice a day (depending on the disease).
People with severe liver disorders can reduce this amount to 1 tablet in 2 days. Such patients should be under constant doctor control.
The course of therapy with this drug is determined only by a doctor.
Adverse Reactions
Medication Panocid 40, the instructions for use of which has been described above, may cause the following undesirable effects:
- fever, heat stroke, face swelling, abscesses, peripheral edema, malaise, generalized edema, candidiasis, asthenia, allergic reactions, chills, hernia, cyst;
- angina, cardiogram changes, retrosternal pain, arrhythmia, hemorrhage, chest pain, myocardial ischemia, retinal vascular disorders, tachycardia, syncope, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
- pancreatitis, epigastric pain, enteritis, abdominal pain, gingivitis, diarrhea, stomach ulcer, constipation, glossitis, nausea, stool disorders, vomiting, rectal hemorrhages, dry mouth, stomatitis, cardiopathy;
- diabetes mellitus, hyperlipoproteinemia, hyperglycaemia, glucosuria;
- biliary pain, cholecystitis, hyperbilirubinemia, hepatitis, cholelithiasis, cholestatic jaundice;
- leukopenia, anemia, ecchymosis, thrombocytopenia, leukocytosis, hypercholesterolemia;
- dehydration, thirst, gout, weight gain or decrease, and others.
Analogues of the medicinal product
Now you know from what patients are prescribed a drug such as "Panocid 40". Instructions for use of this medication have been described above.
Experts say that there are a lot of analogues for this drug. All of them are designed to improve the condition of the digestive tract and treat the corresponding diseases.
To the most popular analogues of theThe funds include the following: Controller, Pantasan, Nolpaz, Pantokar, Panum, Pulcet, Barol, Dexilant, Zulbex, "," Ozol "," Omez "," Omeprazol "," Pariet "," Ramsozol "," Ezoxium "," Emanera "and others.
It should be specially noted that all the listedmedicines have their own peculiarities in application. Therefore, they can be used to treat intestinal or gastric diseases only after visiting a doctor.
Reviews of patients and doctors
What do consumers say about the drug "Panocid 40"? According to their opinion, this remedy cures diseases of the digestive system. It is very convenient to use and has a relatively inexpensive cost. However, specialists are not always satisfied with the results of using this medication. They argue that this remedy is really effective, but very often causes a huge number of adverse reactions. Therefore, doctors advise their patients to take safer means, which do not have serious contraindications and negative consequences.