/ How to recover a missing voice

How to recover a lost voice

Perhaps, each of us faced such aan unpleasant phenomenon, like a hoarse voice. Sometimes it happens to be only slightly hoarse, and in some cases it disappears altogether. As the reasons can act: catarrhal diseases, an overstrain of sheaves, the use of ice water and ice-cream. So what do you do? How to recover a missing voice?

quickly restore voice

For each reason, its treatment. If you are hoarse because of a cold disease, then in addition to drug treatment, people's prescriptions will quickly restore the voice. Let's start with the most obvious: inflamed ligaments need rest and peace, so try to talk less and do not try to shout at all, this will only aggravate the situation. If necessary, speak in a whisper. Let it be uncomfortable, but it will help you get better quickly.

A small amount of warm alcohol, for example,A tablespoon of wine or cognac is beneficial for the vocal cords, locally increasing blood flow. Preheat it to a warm state and drink, the result will not keep you waiting. To drink you can add honey and lemon.

restore voice
How to recover a missing voice if the causeis overexertion of ligaments? In this case, the first and, perhaps, the best remedy will be laryngeal massage. Massage the neck area in front, moving from the chin to the chest, and soon you will feel relief. It helps to restore the voice of a hot drink - warm milk with honey, which is best taken before bedtime. However, if the spasm of the ligaments and their overstrain have a psychological basis, then it is worthwhile to turn to the phonologist for a recommendation. He will give you a qualified answer to the question: "How to restore the missing voice?"

The use of ice drinks and ice cream -a fairly common cause of hoarse voice in the summer. In this case, a good medicine is a hot drink at night, as well as gargling with a decoction of chamomile. Do not forget the good old grandmother's method, which taught us in childhood: in a scientific inhalation, and in a simple way - get a steam from hot potatoes, and your ligaments will return to their previous state the next morning.

how to recover a missing voice
However, whatever the reason for the loss of voiceor its hoarseness, remember that it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it. In the summer, do not get carried away by ice cream and ice drinks, dress in the weather and do not neglect the measures to protect your body from hypothermia, do not get carried away by screaming at concerts and quarrels in everyday life. Thus, you will not only save your precious health and ligaments, but also the strength, time and money needed for recovery.

Now you know how to recover the missingvote. But all the same it is much better not to restore it, but just to protect it. This will allow you to get rid of a lot of problems and time costs. It is always worth remembering that excellent health is given to us only once. Its preservation and maintenance of the body in the form for many years is a duty fully placed on the shoulders of a person. Be healthy! After all, life seems much more colorful and interesting.

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