/ / Lovastatin preparation: instructions for use, analogues, description, composition and reviews

The drug "Lovastatin": instructions for use, analogs, description, composition and reviews

The problem with elevated cholesterol in the blooddisturbs many people. This is due to the fact that such a condition can lead to malfunctions in the heart and the vascular system as a whole. To eliminate hyperlipoproteinemia, it is necessary not only to eat properly, but also to take certain medications.

lovastatin instructions for use

The most effective means to reduceCholesterol in the blood is considered a drug "Lovastatin". Instructions for use, price, reviews, counterparts and contraindications for this medication will be provided below. Also, you will learn about what experts say about it and what kind of feedback consumers leave.

Form, composition, packaging and description of the medicinal product

Medicinal product "Lovastatin", instructionon the use of which is packed in a cardboard pack, is sold in the form of white and round tablets. The active ingredient of this medication is lovastatin. As for the auxiliary components, they include lactose monohydrate, starch, cellulose, ascorbic acid, butyl hydroxy anisole, citric acid and magnesium stearate.

The medicine is produced in the cell blisters and packs of cardboard, respectively.

Mechanism of action of the drug

What is the principle of action for the drug "Lovastatin"? Instructions for use, annotation report that LP-receptors of the liver regulate the content of lipoproteins in the blood. From it they are derived through interaction with these receptors. As a result, cholesterol is synthesized in liver cells.

The principle of action of the drug in question is due to the suppression of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase. This enzyme, with the participation of which the synthesis of cholesterol.

Reducing the formation of cholesterol leads toa compensatory increase in the number of LP-receptors on hepatocytes. As a result of this effect, the process of removing low density lipoproteins from the blood is accelerated, and the total cholesterol, low and intermediate density LD cholesterol is also reduced.

lovastatin instructions for use price comparison reviews analogues

Features of the drug

What other properties do tablets have?"Lovastatin"? Instructions for use (price, reviews are presented at the end of the article) indicate that this tool is able to reduce the content of apolipoprotein B and triglycerides, as well as slightly increase the level of high-density lipoproteins.

Therapeutic effect after taking medicationmanifested after two weeks, and the maximum - about a month and a half later. In this case, it persists for six weeks after the withdrawal of the drug.

The effectiveness of the drug for prolonged use does not decrease. It should also be noted that it is obtained from the biocultures of Aspergillus terreus and Monascus ruber.

Kinetic properties

How long is the drug "Lovastatin" absorbed? Instructions for use (the price of the drug is not very high) asserts that the absorption of this drug from the digestive tract is slow. Moreover, it reduces the intake of tablets on an empty stomach.

The bioavailability of this agent is verylow (about 30% of the dose). Approximately four hours later, the highest concentration of the drug in the blood is reached. After another day, it decreases and is about 10% of the maximum.

lovastatin instructions for use description composition

The drug in question is 95% bound to plasma proteins. The clearance of the drug for a single admission is noted for 3 days.

What is the drug "Lovastatin"? Instruction for use reports that this is a prodrug. After the first passage through the liver, it takes on an active form.

The drug is metabolized by isoenzymes. Its half-life is 180 minutes. The active element of the drug, as well as its metabolites are excreted by the kidneys and through the intestine.

Indications for taking tablets

In the presence of what conditions the patient is assignedLovastatin tablets? Instructions for use (description, composition of the preparation were presented at the very beginning of the article) informs that this remedy is very effective in the primary hypercholesterolemia (hypolipoproteinemia IIb and IIa types) with a high content of LDL (if dietotherapy in people with an increased risk of developing coronary atherosclerosis was ineffective) , as well as combined hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia.

It should also be noted that the drug under consideration is often prescribed for atherosclerosis.

Contraindications to the use of a prodrug

In what cases the patient is not recommendedto use tablets "Lovastatin"? Instruction for use (treatment with this drug should be prescribed only by a doctor) informs that this remedy is contraindicated in active liver diseases, pregnancy or its probability, increased activity of transaminases of unknown origin, as well as during breast-feeding, in severe condition of the patient (general) and increased sensitivity to lovastatin.

lovastatin instructions for use price review

Also, the medication in question is not prescribed at a minor age, with myopathy and cholestasis.

It is forbidden to combine with the reception of alcoholic beverages. With special care, it is prescribed to patients after aortocoronary shunting.

Lovastatin preparation: instructions for use

The price, analogues of this tool will be discussed below.

According to the enclosed instructions, tablets "Lovastatin" should be taken orally during dinner once a day.

In such a pathological condition as hyperlipidemia, the drug is prescribed in an amount of 10-80 mg once (the dose depends on the severity of the disease).

Treatment with the drug in question begins withsmall doses. Then it is gradually increased. The greatest daily dosage of the drug, equal to 80 mg, can be taken once or twice a day (in the morning and before bedtime). Selection of a therapeutic dose is carried out with an interval of one month.

As with coronary atherosclerosis appointthe drug "Lovastatin"? Instruction for use informs that with such a disease the drug is prescribed in a dose of 20-40 mg. If the indicated amount of the drug was ineffective, then it is increased to 60-80 mg.

When the drug is combined with fibrates or nicotinic acid, its dosage should not be above 20 mg per day.

lovastatin instructions composition analogues application

Adverse events

Does the drug "Lovastatin" cause side effects? Instruction for use indicates the following undesirable phenomena:

  • cataract, headaches;
  • atrophy of the optic nerve, dizziness;
  • insomnia, sleep disorders, anxiety, general weakness, paresthesia;
  • muscle cramps, myalgia, myositis
  • in people taking nicotinic acid, "Cyclosporine" or "Gemfibrozil", the risk of rhabdomyolysis increases;
  • thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia;
  • heartburn, biliary cholestasis, nausea, hepatitis, flatulence, taste perversion, constipation, cholestatic jaundice, diarrhea;
  • increased activity of creatine phosphokinase and liver transaminase;
  • increased bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase;
  • Quincke's edema, rash, itching, arthralgia, urticaria;
  • alopecia and decreased potency.

An overdose of a drug

If the patient does not receive high doses of medication, no specific symptoms are observed in the patient.

lovastatin instructions for use price analogues

When observing pathological conditionsthe affected person is washed with a stomach and the sorbents are administered. The patient is also monitored for vital functions, liver function and activity of creatine phosphokinase.

Drug Interactions

Simultaneous use of a large amount of grapefruit juice, as well as "Gemfibrozil" and "Fenofibrate" contributes to a large risk of myopathy.

Taking medication with nicotineacid, Clarithromycin, Erythromycin, Cyclosporine, antifungal medicines (Itraconazole, Ketoconazole), Nefazodone and Ritonavir, leads to an increase in the concentration of the drug in the blood, as well as the destruction of muscle tissue and the risk of myopathy .

The joint appointment of "Lovastatin" with "Warfarin" increases the risk of bleeding.

The drug "Kolestyramin" reduces the bioavailability of the drug in question. Therefore, the time interval between their reception should be at least 2-4 hours.

Special Recommendations

With extreme caution, the drug "Lovastatin" is prescribed to people with liver diseases in history. The same applies to chronic alcoholism.

It should also be noted that this drug is canceled in the case of a persistent increase in liver transaminases or CK.

The cost of the medicinal product and its analogs

At present, purchase themedicine in pharmacies in Moscow and other cities of Russia is not possible. If necessary, it can be ordered through the World Wide Web. Prices in online pharmacies vary considerably. This drug can be purchased within 300-600 rubles.

application instructions

If there is a need, the subjectthe remedy can be replaced with drugs such as Apexstatin, Fluvastatin, Cardiostatin, Iinvastine, Vero-Lovastatin, Pravastatin, Choletar, Lovasterol, Mevacor, Mevinacor, Lovacore. "

Reviews about the drug

Now you know what pills like "Lovastatin" are. The instruction, composition, application, analogues of this medication have been described in this article.

According to experts' reviews, lipid-lowering medications are used in complex treatment, as well as for the prevention of atherosclerosis and its complications.

The principle of action of this medication is to reduce the content of atherogenic lipoproteins in the blood

According to reports of doctors, at presentaccumulated a fairly large experience of clinical use of "Lovastatin". It is one of the safest medicines. This drug has a fairly good tolerability with prolonged therapy.

Patients' responses are very rarecomplaints of side effects. Sometimes this medicine can cause flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, insomnia and muscle pain. Typically, such reactions disappear two weeks after the initiation of therapy or as a result of dose reduction.

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