/ / "Milt" (drops): instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Milt" (drops): instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Nasal congestion during demi-seasonis considered to be a particularly pressing problem. To restore normal breathing, most people start using all kinds of medications. One of the effective drugs is "Milt" (drops). The guideline recommends the use of a nasal agent to eliminate the symptoms of colds and allergic rhinitis. Let's consider in more details features and a way of application of drops for a nose.

Description of the medicine

Runny nose brings a lot of unpleasant sensations andis the most common pathological symptom. Inflammation and swelling of the mucous surface of the nasal cavity can develop against the background of acute respiratory viral infection, bacterial infection or the ingestion of an allergen. To treat a similar condition is accepted by means for local application - drops and sprays. It should be borne in mind that you can not use any of these preparations for more than 5 days.

milt drops instructions

"Milt" (drops) instructions for use refer tovasoconstrictive drugs of topical application. It is a combined agent that has several components in its composition - dimethindene and phenylephrine. The latter substance belongs to the category of selective α-adrenomimetics and has a moderate vasoconstrictor effect. It is used as a nasal decongestant. Dimentidene is an antagonist of H1-receptors and has an antiallergic effect.

Medicinal nasal drug helpssignificantly reduce the number of secretions from the nasal passages and at the same time does not inhibit the physiological functions of the ciliated epithelium and the mucous surface. The product is produced in glass bottles with a volume of 10 ml and has a convenient dispenser in the form of a pipette.

Indications for use

Ukrainian preparation "Milt" (drops in the nose)the instruction is positioned as a quick-acting agent with almost immediate therapeutic effect. A few minutes after application, they facilitate breathing through the nose. However, it should be remembered that it is highly recommended to take such drugs for a long time. Otherwise, you can get used to the active substances. In addition, nasal vasoconstrictive drops do not treat the true cause of the common cold, but only help to stop the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

milt drops in the nose instruction

To eliminate signs of allergic rhinitis,obstruction of the nasal passages, acute, chronic and vasomotor rhinitis specialists can prescribe the drug "Milt". Drops instruction (children's and adult doses are somewhat different) recommends the use of acute otitis media in complex therapy. This helps reduce the edema of the Eustachian tube. In this case, use the medicine should also not more than 5 days. The drug can be used in children under 1 year only after a preliminary consultation with a specialist.

"Milt" (drops): the instruction

Children's doses of drugs depend on the agecategory of the child. For children over 12 months, the vasoconstrictor is prescribed 1 drop in each nasal passage no more than three times a day. In some cases, the dose may be increased to 2 drops.

Children from 6 years are allowed to dig in 2-3 dropsmedications up to 4 times a day. The same dose of medication is also intended for adult patients. According to the instruction, the "Milt" drops can be used for 7 days, after which you should take a break. In addition to vasoconstrictive drops, other agents are used to treat nasal congestion.

How is the medicine tolerated?

A significant advantage is the absenceserious side effects on the background of the use of the drug "Milt". Droplets in the nose instruction recommends the use of strictly in the appropriate age-appropriate dosage. In the treatment of medication only in rare cases, unpleasant sensations may occur-burning, excessive dryness of the mucous surface.

milt drops instructions for children

Long-term use of drops usually contributes todevelopment of serious drug dependence. The pathological phenomenon is associated with the habituation to vasoconstrictor components. Vessels located in the nasal cavity, eventually cease to contract without the help of drugs, which leads to the need to increase the dose of drugs and their constant use. This can provoke the development of vasomotor rhinitis and atrophy of the mucosa.


Not all patients with nasal congestion canuse the drug "Milt" for relief of symptoms. Drops instructions prohibit the appointment in case of intolerance of the components that are part of the drug. Nasal agent is not used for atrophic rhinitis and in case of treatment with MAO inhibitors.

milt drops instructions for use

Vasodilating nasal drops usually can not be used during pregnancy. However, "Milt" can be prescribed in a minimal dosage only strictly according to the indications.

What to choose - "Vibrocil" or "Milt" (drops)?

Instruction, composition of medicines have a lotsimilar. Both drugs are designed to narrow the vessels with a cold and nasal congestion. The drug "Vibrocil", as well as "Milt", has two active components - antihistamine substance dimethindene and adrenoimetic phenylephrine.

The main difference between the drugs is the price. The cost of the Swiss remedy for nose fluctuates between 280-320 rubles per bottle. While for the analogue will have to give no more than 140 rubles. It is worth paying attention to the shelf life of the drugs after opening the vials. "Milt" (drops) instruction allows you to store only 4 months after the opening, while the preparation "Vibrocil" does not have such requirements.

milt drops instruction composition

According to the instructions, the drop "Vibrocil" can beuse for the treatment of the youngest patients. Children are appointed from birth, if there are certain symptoms. For children older than 6 years, the product is released as a spray.

Patients' feedback indicates thatThe therapeutic effectiveness of these medicines is at the same level. Drops quickly stop the signs of allergic and catarrhal rhinitis, eliminate the stuffiness, puffiness of the nasal passages. Apply this or that drug after a preliminary consultation with a doctor. Dosage and duration of treatment are determined individually.

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