/ / Endometritis: what is it? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Disease

Endometritis: what is it? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Disease

Diseases of the female reproductive system can bebe called one of the most common. And today in gynecological practice, inflammation of the endometrium is often diagnosed. Why does endometrium occur? What it is? What are its symptoms? How dangerous is this disease? These questions are of interest to many women.

Endometritis: what is it?

endometritis what it is

Endometrium is a special tissue of the uterus,which provides implantation and further development of a fertilized egg. This shell consists of two layers - functional (it is rejected every month in the absence of fertilization) and basal, which provides the development of new functional tissues.

Normally the mucous membrane of the uterus is reliably protected from infection. Nevertheless, minor damage contributes to the activation of bacteria, which leads to inflammation - thus, endometritis occurs.

The main causes of endometritis

As already mentioned, the cause of inflammation more oftenall are pathogenic bacteria. In the role of the causative agent may act chlamydia, mycoplasma and other microorganisms, sexually transmitted. On the other hand, endometritis can also be nonspecific - in connection with the weakening of local immunity, the conditionally pathogenic microflora (staphylococcus, streptococcus, etc.) is activated.

But the presence of infection is not enough to developinflammation. Endometritis most often develops on the background of mechanical damage to the functional layer of the uterus. This happens with various gynecological procedures (diagnostic curettage, abortion, hysteroscopy, installation of an intrauterine device). Risk factors include inept and frequent syringing. Endometrite is often found in women who have experienced severe childbirth.

What are the symptoms of inflammation?

signs of endometritis

Most often, the disease begins with a generalmalaise: women complain of weakness, drowsiness and fatigue. A febrile condition is observed. Along with this, there are pains in the lower abdomen, which are often surrendered to the sacrum. The intensity of pain attacks can be different.

When the endometrium appears serous or purulentdischarge from the vagina, sometimes they can detect impurities of blood. Noticing the characteristic signs of endometritis, it is worth immediately contacting the gynecologist. In the absence of timely help, inflammation can spread to the muscle layer, which is extremely dangerous.

Chronic endometritis: what is it?

Most often the chronic form of the disease developsas a result of improper or insufficient treatment of acute inflammation. Infertility, miscarriages, complications in pregnancy, the proliferation of cysts and polyps - all this can be complications that caused chronic endometritis. Symptoms in this case are not so noticeable. Nevertheless, many patients notice changes in the menstrual cycle. There are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, as well as uncharacteristic vaginal discharge.

How is endometrial inflammation treated?

chronic endometritis symptoms

In no case should not engage in self-medication. Only the doctor knows why endometrium appears, what it is, and what treatment scheme is best to choose. As a rule, first identify the pathogen and select the appropriate drugs - antibiotics, antifungal agents, and sometimes metronidazole (with the addition of anaerobic pathogens). Therapy includes the administration of antihistamine and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as multivitamins and immunomodulating medications.

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