/ / Fungi candida: possible treatment

Candida fungi: possible treatment

fungus candida
As you know, microbes inhabit the human bodyliterally from the moment of his birth. They begin to attack the newborn already at the time when it moves along the birth canal, and quickly "grab" the entire body: bacteria can be found on the skin, nails, mucous membrane of the mouth and respiratory tract, in the intestines and stomach. It is natural therefore that if the candidate fungi were found in the mother, this will have a certain effect on the health of the baby.


According to the doctors, more than half of the people anddo not suspect that they are real "hotbeds" of fungi. These organisms belong to the group of eukaryotes. Their structure and mechanisms of reproduction resemble human. Unlike bacteria, fungi adapt to any environment. Fungi candida most often affect the organisms of people suffering from diabetes, gastritis, vitamin deficiency and low immunity. Candidiasis can develop against the background of taking antibiotics and oral contraceptives. Another provoking factor is the doctors consider the excessive consumption of sugar. Fungi "pull" from the blood glucose. Slowing down the metabolism and contributing to the development of obesity.

fungus candida treatment


Fungi candida can provoke variousdisease. All of them are accompanied by such symptoms as unexpected memory loss, anxiety, stomach pain, digestive problems, migraines, frequent cystitis. Another dangerous sign is the unhealthy cravings for sweets. Especially carefully checked for the presence of fungus should people with allergic diseases.


candida fungus in the intestine
If you have the aboveSymptoms, you with an absolute probability can suspect at itself a fungus of a candidate. Treatment in this case is necessary, but it will not begin before the diagnosis is confirmed by the doctor. To do this, you will have to pass a blood test, urine and pass skin tests. Doctors distinguish two types of disease: superficial and damaging internal organs. The first is characteristic for diabetics and in general people with excess weight. Fungi candida in this case manifest as a rash on the skin and can be transmitted by household means. Candidiasis of internal organs spreads during unprotected sexual intercourse. Among the most common symptoms should be named characteristic itching and burning sensation in the genital area.


Quite often a candida fungus is diagnosedintestines. This is not surprising - because this body is a real hotbed for all kinds of infections. Treatment in this case will consist of two main points: restoration of intestinal microflora and compliance with a special antifungal diet. It should be remembered that for complete recovery you will most likely take a lot of time, because the fungus can take various forms and "adapt" to a particular drug. Some doctors even call candidiasis an incurable disease, but this is not so. The main thing is to stick to the right approach. Long time can not be cured? Perhaps it's all about weakened immunity or malnutrition. You have to indefinitely refuse sugar, yeast and fermented milk products.

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