How to remove mercury from the human body?
How to remove mercury from the body? What is a substance? What is medication? How to remove mercury from the child's body? We will try to answer these and other questions in our article.
What is mercury?
Mercury is a heavy metal of a silvery white hue. At room temperature it is converted into a liquid structure. A chemical refers to scattered elements. In other words, in natural conditions, concentrated mercury can not be found. In a free state, such a metal is occasionally contained in the form of inclusions of some rocks.
In industry, mercury is burned out of mineralsulfide. The vapors of the substance are capable of easily passing into the shape of a silvery fluid substance with the highest density index. Mercury is so heavy metal that a person will not be able to tear off a bucket full of such a specific liquid from the floor.
Sources of mercury in everyday life
Strangely enough, a person interacts dailywith objects that contain a certain amount of heavy metal. Usually, our body is exposed to the effects of the substance in contact with household items.
Mercury is found in fluorescent lamps,manometers, thermometers. The vapors of the substance are released during the combustion of coal. Heavy metal is used in small quantities for making dental seals. There is a chemical in the composition of some cosmetics and pharmacological vaccines.
Guile of Mercury
Before considering how to remove mercury fromorganism, let's find out what is the danger of a chemical for health. This heavy metal is highly toxic to all forms of life. It is a question of poisonous vapors of a substance, the active release of which occurs at room temperature. When inhaled, mercury dissolves rapidly in the blood. Circulating through the body, heavy metal interacts with protein structures. The latter are deposited in the tissues of the brain, kidneys, spleen, liver, gradually poisoning organs and systems. What products remove mercury from the body?
The destructive effect of heavy metal onthe human body proceeds without expressed signs. Often people who are prone to poisoning, do not even know about it. There can be a variety of symptoms, ranging from periodic headaches and ending with a violation of the psyche. Such signs are evidence that the toxic effect of heavy metal affects the reduction of immune defense of the body. The progress of such conditions leads to unforeseen consequences, since the weakening of immunity is a fertile soil for the development of a variety of diseases.
The insidiousness of mercury lies in the gradualaccumulation of a poisonous substance in the tissues of the body for many years. The risk group, first of all, includes people who live near industrial enterprises and are forced to breathe air polluted by various chemical compounds. Such categories of the population most often suffer from visual and hearing impairments, coordination of movements, organic brain damage. All this is a consequence of the accumulation of mercury in the tissues of the body.
For chronic mercury poisoning, which is formed over the years, the following symptoms are typical:
- fast fatiguability;
- general weakness;
- oppressed emotional state;
- drowsiness;
- increased irritability;
- deterioration of the hair, nails, gums and teeth;
- disruption of the digestive system;
- development of sexual dysfunction;
- violations in the endocrine system.
When acute poisoning with mercury vapor occursthe strongest headache, the state of body fatigue develops, up to seizures and convulsions, rapid deterioration of sight, hearing, smell, tactile sensations is noted.
How to clean the room of mercury?
Often such a need arises ifa thermometer or a fluorescent lamp broke. In such situations tenants must urgently leave the house, having previously opened the windows and doors. Before resorting to cleaning up mercury, you should protect yourself by using a respirator, a suit of chemical protection.
Shards of a damaged object that protrudessource of distribution of mercury vapor, it is necessary to assemble in a plastic bag. Balls of heavy metal become noticeable if you illuminate the surface with a bright flashlight. The assembly of mercury particles is best done using a piece of wire, a wet towel, an adhesive tape, a pipette.
After eliminating the trouble, it is desirablerinse the oral cavity with a non-concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. You can also take several tablets of activated carbon. The room should be disinfected with alcohol solution of iodine. Floor coverings should be thoroughly washed using cleaning agents.
Dispose of mercury samples to the sewer or refuse chute is strictly prohibited. Collecting the balls of heavy metal in a bag, it is necessary to transfer it to the staff of the emergency response service.
When cleaning the premises of mercury is prohibited:
- Sweep away particles of heavy metal broom. Such actions will lead to the spread of the poisonous substance over vast areas. Thus, to fix the problem will be much more difficult.
- Collect mercury with a vacuum cleaner. When the device is operating, the air is heated. Mercury begins to evaporate more actively. Among other things, heavy metal settles inside the dust collector itself.
- To wash clothes wherecleaning the room from mercury. Particles of the chemical can settle on the walls of the drum of the machine. All things that come into contact with heavy metal, it is better to throw.
Medication detoxification
How to remove mercury from the body with the use of pharmacological drugs? The following resources will come to the rescue:
- "Unitiol" - is used for various kinds of intoxications of the body;
- "Thetacin-calcium" - a remedy effectively in case of poisoning with heavy metals;
- "Succimer" is an effective antidote that binds poisonous substances in the digestive tract and helps to bring them out;
- "Sodium thiosulfate" - a drug against chemical poisoning with anti-inflammatory effect;
- "D-Penicillamine" - a remedy with immunomodulating properties;
- "Methionine" - promotes the activation of metabolic processes in the body, which accelerates the excretion of mercury.
Which particular drug should be used in this or that case? The choice of the remedy should be performed by the doctor, based on the specificity and severity of the organism's intoxication.
Folk remedies
How to remove mercury from the body with folk remedies? There is a lot of edible, which helps to eliminate the consequences of intoxication with heavy metal.
So, let's look at the products that release mercury from the body:
- Rice - in a cooked form, such croup absorbstoxic compounds of heavy metal. Due to the high fiber content, the product binds alkaloids and toxins. How to remove mercury from the body in this way? It is enough to eat a few tablespoons of boiled rice every day. It is important to refuse fried, salty and peppery food, because in this case, detoxification of the body will not yield any results.
- Beet consumption - a vegetable is rich in flavonoids, which bind heavy metals. As in the case of a rice diet, during treatment it is worth noting the use of harmful products.
- Potatoes boiled in a uniform - contains an abundance of starch, which has an enveloping effect on the compounds of mercury and promotes the removal of a poisonous substance from the body.
- Chlorella - green algae is rich in minerals, proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins of group C and B. The product blocks the toxic effect of heavy metals on the body.
- Decoctions of alfalfa, cilantro, ginseng - useful substances in the composition of such tools speed up the metabolic processes. With long-term use contribute to a qualitative detoxification of the body.
How to remove mercury from the body? For these purposes, it is rational to resort to daily intake of vitamins of group E and C. The latter act as irreplaceable antioxidants. In a day is enough to use one capsule of such funds. Such a practice in a relatively short time will reduce the signs of chronic poisoning of the body with mercury.
Therapy with methylsulfonylmethane
Methylsulfonylmethane is one of theforms of sulfur, which binds heavy metals in the body. How to remove mercury from the body with this solution? First, one capsule with the substance content should be used several times a day. Next, you need to gradually increase the dose. If severe consequences of chronic intoxication with mercury are observed, then the therapy should be continued until the dose reaches 5 capsules three times a day.
How to remove mercury from the body of a child?
When heavy metal enters the oral cavitya baby is urgently needed to induce a vomitive reflex. Then, rinse the stomach using water with the egg yolk dissolved in it. Finally it is worth giving the child activated charcoal.
Delays can lead to the most deplorableconsequences. Therefore, after carrying out the necessary procedures for the child, you need to call an ambulance. Determine the next steps will be the doctor. Usually, therapy for mercury poisoning consists of injections of glucose, solutions containing vitamins C, B1, B6, calcium gluconate.
So we found out how to remove mercury from the bodyrights. Finally, it is worth noting that a critical health hazard occurs only when heavy metal intoxication with vapors, which requires an urgent response to the problem. In other cases, it is necessary to resort to the application of the above methods for the planned detoxification of the body.