/ / The drug "Dibazol". Instructions

The drug "Dibazol". Instructions

The drug "Dibazol" has a wide popularity inas a vasodilator. However, its action is aimed not only at lowering blood pressure, but also at destroying certain types of viruses in the body.

The drug "Dibazol", an instruction to whichindicates the form of its release, is made in the form of a solution, powder and tablets. Intravenous administration of the drug contributes to lowering blood pressure after its short-term jump. In this regard, the drug "Dibazol" instruction recommends using only under strict medical supervision. The use of the drug alone can cause a hypertensive crisis and subsequently an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. The drug "Dibazol" (powder) is recommended for certain types of diseases of a viral nature. This drug helps to destroy certain pathogenic microorganisms. Daily intake of the drug for a month is a reliable preventive measure to prevent infection with the influenza virus.

The drug "Dibazol", an instruction to whichdescribes its main purpose, it is recommended in order to expand the vascular walls. In addition, the drug is able to normalize individual functions of the spinal cord and stimulate the body's immune forces. The drug is aimed at reducing spasm of blood vessels and internal organs. Has a medicament "Dibazol" and an active hypotensive effect. It is able to expand the vessels of the brain.

Thanks to the therapeutic effect,the drug finds application in various pathological processes in the body. That is why the drug "Dibazol", the instruction to which describes the main indications for its use, is recommended by specialists if there is a spasm of smooth muscles in the internal organs. The drug is also used for ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. Experts recommend the drug for renal and hepatic colic and spasms. The drug has a positive effect on the body in the treatment of polyneuritis and paralysis of the facial nerve. It also helps in getting rid of spasms inperipheral arteries. The drug "Dibazol" is used for certain types of neurological pathologies and digestive tract diseases (with painful symptoms). Providing immunostimulating and interferon-inducing effects on the body, the drug finds application in combination with other medicines in the treatment of viral hepatitis, acute respiratory diseases, as well as pneumonia. This remedy can be given to both adult patients and children.

The drug can be administered in combination withother medicines to enhance the positive effect. Medicines "Dibazol" with "Papaverine", the dosage of which is recommended by a specialist based on the individual characteristics of the patient, are widely used in the treatment of hypertension and angina. These components are part of the drug "Papazol", which has great therapeutic activity and practically does not lead to the emergence of significant side effects.

Do not prescribe the drug "Dibazol"patients with low blood pressure. In this case, the drug can bring its indicator to an extremely low level and cause a loss of consciousness or a state of acute vascular insufficiency. With caution, the drug must be taken to patients of advanced age.

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