Increased intracranial pressure: symptoms in adults. How to reduce intracranial pressure at home
People often do not pay attention to the headache. In a sense, this is facilitated by modern medicines, which can drown out unpleasant sensations.
But everyone should understand that her appearance issignal from the body, saying that you are not all right. Quite often in such patients, the main cause of discomfort is increased intracranial pressure. Symptoms in adults, treatment methods - read about all this in our review.
What is intracranial pressure
Liquor is a cerebrospinal fluid, the excess of which can put pressure on the human brain. It is formed in clusters of small vessels, which are called "sacs" of the human brain.
And it was the pressure of this fluid that became acceptedto call intracranial. If the cerebrospinal fluid is small, the pressure inevitably goes down, but if it is too much, this is just the case when doctors diagnose increased intracranial pressure. Symptoms in adults are extremely unpleasant. Yes, and this is a dangerous disease.
A healthy person has a stable level of fluid in the body, without obvious predominance in one direction or another.
Increased intracranial pressure: symptoms in adults
In addition to the actual high blood pressure, this problem has a number of accompanying symptoms. How does increased intracranial pressure manifest? Symptoms in adults are as follows:
- the headache is markedly worse in the evening and at night;
- a constant feeling of nausea, but there is no vomiting;
- a person feels weak and sluggish, he becomes much more irritable much faster;
- the pupil of the eye does not respond to light, and the patient himself has "flies" in his eyes;
- one of the sides of the body dramatically loses muscle strength, which strongly resembles paralysis.
Headache with intracranial pressure often becomes more pronounced when sneezing and coughing. The same should be expected from the slopes.
In such cases, if the pain zone is undefined, one can expect intensification of pain not in the evening, but in the mornings.
Significant influence of pressure on the optic nerve. Consequences of this can be temporary blindness, fog before the eyes and other manifestations that prevent a person from leading a full-fledged lifestyle.
Even mentally stable people experiencediscomfort during attacks of high blood pressure. They may experience nervous breakdowns, long periods of depression. A person becomes sluggish, leads a passive lifestyle and quickly becomes irritated.
Frequent low back pain can also be one of the manifestations of ailment.
How to be treated
If you have increased intracranial pressure,treatment can not be shelved. It is necessary to immediately seek help from a specialist. The methods of therapy depend quite strongly on the causes of such a high pressure. Much also depends on the age of the patient who turned to the doctor.
The main methods of treatment - is the intake of drugs that affect the blood vessels, as well as sedative and diuretic drugs.
In addition, manual therapy and gymnastics are prescribed.
The patient is given a specific diet, the essence of which is the use of foods rich in vitamins. It is necessary to avoid taking large amounts of liquid and salt.
In especially severe cases, drainage and the introduction of shunts are indicated - this is necessary to reduce the amount of cerebrospinal fluid.
How to reduce intracranial pressure yourself
If the ailment finds you at the wrong time, you can always cope with it at home. It is not necessary to expect a complete cure, but to alleviate most of the symptoms is quite realistic. So, How to reduce intracranial pressure at home?
An important role in self-medication is played by diuretics, such as tincture of hawthorn, dog rose, lavender, etc. They provoke a decrease in intracranial pressure.
It should be noted that before taking herbal tinctures, it is mandatory to consult your physician.
Yet How to reduce intracranial pressure at home? Effective massage of two points onnape. To use it, you need to clasp your head with your hands so that your thumbs are exactly on the back of your head. After this, it is necessary to make circular motions in a few minutes.
Tablets from intracranial pressure
Of course, in the treatment of intracranial pressureused and drug therapy. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the treatment with medicinal products must necessarily take place under the supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, negative and even fatal consequences should be expected.
The usual practice in such cases is the appointmentdiuretics like "Furosemide" or "Veroshpirona." If the condition adversely affects the optic nerve of the patient, then in this case it is prescribed corticosteroid tablets from intracranial pressure, for example "Prednisolone" or "Dexamethasone".
Folk treatment
Is it possible to folk treatment of intracranialpressure? Alternative medicine is quite effective, but its main disadvantage is that it only weakens the symptoms. In fact, it is almost impossible to cure intracranial pressure with the help of folk remedies. They should be used in those cases when there is no possibility to get an appointment with a doctor.
The main weapon against all ailments is herbal infusions and decoctions. Mostly, valerian, sage and St. John's wort are used.
After selecting medicinal herbs, they should be pouredwith boiling water. You need to make sure that the herbs were taken no more than one tablespoon. You need to drink infusion for one month, drinking three times a day for a quarter of a glass. After the course of herbs should be made from them a break for a considerable period of time.
There are other options. Alcohol tincture is a very popular tool among the people. In the basis it is necessary to take dry flowers of clover, fill them with exactly half of the can, and fill up to the very top with alcohol or vodka. After this, the tincture should be placed in a dark and cool place for two weeks.
When it is ready, it can be taken twice a day for one teaspoon, previously diluted with water.
And finally, it helps well from a headachetincture of garlic. To make it, you need to take three lemons and pass them through the meat grinder along with the skin. In the resulting mixture should be added three crushed garlic heads.
After this, the drug should be allowed to settle, and only then you can start taking the medicine in small doses and several times a day.
Intracranial pressure. To what doctor to address?
What kind of doctor heals this unpleasant anda potentially dangerous disease? First you have to go to the therapist to cut off all possible options. After that, we must give directions to the neurologist, and he already knows what to do with the disease.
Do not expect that intracranialpressure doctor can cure immediately. To begin with, you will need to undergo a variety of examinations, including making an MRI and an encephalogram. After making sure that you do not have other pathologies of the brain, the doctor will be able to start the standard treatment procedures.
The need for examination in the therapist is high,because it needs to cut off many other possible diseases. This is very important, because the faster you can get to the right treatment, the easier it will be to defeat the disease.
Drugs for increased intracranial pressure
Some drugs fight with manifestations of intracranial pressure, the rest are directed to the root cause of the disease.
Drugs for increased intracranial pressurein adults it is primarily diuretics. Their main goal is to help the body get rid of excess fluid. The smaller it is, the faster the pressure will decrease.
For example, the drug "Gritzerol" effectively copes with this task.
In addition, they actively use drugs,expanding the human vascular system. For example, one of the most widely spread options is magnesium. It also has an antiarrhythmic effect.
Among some doctors, practice is commontreatment of internal cranial pressure under a certain scheme, which includes nootropics and tablets, helping to stabilize the circulatory process in the brain.
The most frequent choice of doctors is "Nootropil","Pyrocetam" and "Fentropil". Their main goal is to normalize the patient's thinking process and at the same time help him cope with intellectual burdens.
"Sermion" and "Cavinton" are already preparations,affecting the circulation. It is worth recalling once again that only a doctor is able to choose the right pill and determine the dosage. Self-medication in such a thin field of medicine can lead to such consequences, which none of the doctors can already reverse.
When to call a doctor
Measuring the usual pressure is not the slightest effort, but when it comes to intracranial, here many fall into a stupor. And there is from what.
The most effective way to find outProblems are a puncture. The doctor takes the needle connected to the manometer, and then enters it into the dorsal channel. All this requires careful preparation of the patient, which is available only in a hospital.
These are not all options. More expensive is MRI. It's worth a lot of money, but it's no less accurate, and there's no need to enter any needles and stuff that might scare the patient. And yet most often doctors do not use electroencephalography. With its help, you can identify changes in the pattern of brain activity, which is also evidence of an increased level of pressure in the brain.
If you once found yourself having an uncaused headache and nausea, do not pull, consult a doctor. It may be possible to prevent the disease before it goes into more serious phases.
Causes of the disease
Intracranial pressure, symptoms and treatmentwhich we examined, can be triggered by many factors, but most often this condition is observed in cases of congenital pathologies and with a variety of inflammations, for example, with meningitis and encephalitis.
At risk are people who are overweight. Such a useful vitamin A is at the same time a substance that can significantly increase your pressure, but this is possible only if there is a surplus of retinol in the body.
Intoxication is another reason forthe occurrence of the disease. Exposure to toxic substances adversely affects the normal functioning of the brain. As a result, serious organic damage can be obtained.
Intracranial pressure in children
Children as much as adults risk getting unpleasant disease, which in the end can most negatively affect their level of development and further success in life. Apathy, drowsiness, excessive sensitivity, in some cases even squint. All this does not contribute to the learning process, prevents the child from being active and curious.
Consequences of intracranial pressure for a child
The child risks falling into depression, he inevitablyLags behind in school, does not want to walk with peers, avoids new acquaintances and even locks himself in his room, because he does not want to participate in any of the classes.
Increased intracranial pressure (symptoms andthe treatment of an illness depends on the presence of comorbidities) can even be found in infants. Because of him, kids late learn to hold their heads, walk and even talk. Therefore, a routine examination by a specialist, including a neurologist, is not recommended to be ignored or ignored.
To prevent this from happening to your child.troubles, you should carefully listen to their complaints (this, of course, is about older children, not babies) and, if necessary, take them to a doctor in a timely manner.
Symptoms of intracranial pressure in children
In children, the disease manifests itself in its own way, butthere are common symptoms. Anxiety and fatigue, severe headache, nausea and vomiting, squint - all this is what you should pay attention to during the growth of the child.
In very crumbs can be deformed form.head and increase the volume of the head, there is too frequent regurgitation, and it does not even depend on meals. The child as a whole behaves more restlessly than all other children. Finally, a monotonous cry is another evidence that a small organism suffers from increased intracranial pressure.