Treatment of hypertension with folk remedies - an addition to drug therapy
Hypertension or hypertension isa very common disease in the modern world. The reasons for this are a great many - these are stressful situations, and bad habits, and poor nutrition. Especially often, hypertension causes increased intake of sodium chloride, that is, ordinary table salt. Salt not only in itself contributes to increased blood pressure, while retaining excess fluid in the body, but sodium ions in large quantities disrupt the fine mechanisms of self-regulation of blood pressure in the body. The increase in blood pressure, which is characterized by hypertension, even to a small extent is manifested by unpleasant symptoms, such as headache, fatigue, the inability to focus on anything (the syndrome of diffuse attention), which leads to a decrease in the capacity for work of a person. If the blood pressure increase figures are high enough, a real threat to the life of the patient is created, as the probability of occurrence of such a formidable complication as a stroke (or "brainstroke") increases sharply.The norm of a person's blood pressure is on average 120/80 mm.rt.tolba, increasing for a long time these figures above 140/90 can already mean the first stage of hypertension, and a sharp increase above 160/110 creates a real threat of stroke. Modern medicine has an extensive set of medicines to combat hypertension. But all medicines, especially with prolonged use in large doses, along with the curative effect, have side effects, among which there are also quite serious ones like vision loss.
In this case, the treatment can be treatedhypertension folk remedies, because somehow our ancestors coped with this misfortune. Of course, we are not talking about a complete refusal of medicines. People's treatment of hypertension in most cases can be successfully combined with the means of official medicine, usually prescribed by a doctor. Folk remedies for hypertension were known long before the invention of drugs, and are successfully used to this day.
Known for its ability to lower pressureordinary viburnum. Treatment of hypertension with folk remedies includes recipes, when the fruits of the viburnum are used in a parsley form with a small amount of sugar (and if there are contraindications, then without it). Such a method significantly reduces the bitterness inherent in the fruits and preserves all its healing properties. Prepare in this way the berries of Kalina at home is quite simple - fresh or dried fruit, peeled from the pedicels, put in an enamel pot or, if there is, in a clay pot, pour a small amount of water and put in the oven for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 100- 120 degrees. You need to consume the smoked berries for 100-200 grams per night daily for 10-15 days. Treatment of hypertension with folk remedies is also good for carrying out a mint-honey infusion, which is prepared extremely simply. In a small bowl, put 20-30 grams of fresh or dried mint leaves and pour 200 ml (1 glass) of boiling water, honey is added to taste (in the absence of contraindications). Cooled infusion is used for 100 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and for the same amount for 15-20 minutes before sleep for 15-20 days. Well reduces high blood pressure and freshly squeezed persimmon juice, which should be consumed in an amount of at least 200 ml per day.
Councils and recommendations for the treatment of hypertensionthere are a lot of folk remedies, but always, before trying this or that remedy, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician, under the control of which proper therapy should be conducted.