/ / Clauppher's disease and its consequences

Clauppher's disease and its consequences

The fact that there is an incurable and extremelyThe dangerous disease of Claupfer, Russia learned on November 27, 2012. On that day, search engines "exploded" from a flurry of search queries. But the more people sought the symptoms of Claupfer's disease, the more they were panic-no information was available on this disease. Uncertainty fueled panic. The number of requests has grown, perhaps even the main theme of the day about Rasul Mirzaev.

As the ground filled with rumors ...

claupferal disease
It started right after viewing the 27th seriesUnivera. According to the story Kuzya, who made a fake reference, becomes incurably ill in the eyes of friends. The illness of Clauppre, which appeared in the diagnosis and appeared due to the fiction of the screenwriter, was incurable.

Epidemic interest was recorded throughout theRussia. Search engines refusing to give out information on a strange virus have already introduced maximally expanded queries, such as "Claupfer's disease, photos, video, symptoms, signs," etc. The Internet was speechless. Meanwhile, the most cunning Internet publications aimed at attracting visitors, were preparing the placement of "medical" articles detailing the description of the "incurable neurodegenerative disease" caused by a lengthy viewing of the TV. The appearance of the first "ducks" was greeted with "hurray". Fresh information was reprinted and distributed. Tranquility was saved, probably, only by physicians.

Symptoms of Claupfer's disease

claupfer disease picture
Probably, here it would be worth using quotation marks, but let me still preserve the intrigue ...

So, in the very "scientific" materials thatwere bungled on a quick arm, Claupfer's syndrome was indeed described. We must pay tribute to the resourceful author for his excellent sense of humor. In the first group of risk, among those who could become ill with a terrible illness, were "students with a low IQ." For those who have not yet understood the catch, the sequel follows: "the risk of infection is low", but "the disease is almost incurable, with brain damage." Among the signs of the disease were "lethargy, apathy, decreased ability to work, memory impairment, recurring irritability and drowsiness," and one of the causes of the ailment was "prolonged sitting in front of the TV and the computer."

Humor was not understood by everyone. Part of the readers who discovered obvious signs of this disease went to the clinic. Some wanted to be examined and others ... demanded exemption from studies (on the certificate). Perhaps, the Internet resources, which noted that Clauppher's disease affects first of all people of low-intellectual, were right ...

Neurodegenerative diseases

claupfer syndrome
By the way, they do exist, and areserious, with rather serious pathologies. They are provoked by a decrease in neurons with changes in neurotransmitter metabolism. Diseases usually concern many systems and organs, but the disease occurs without obvious clinical manifestations (almost asymptomatic). The latent period can last for decades. Progression begins after the weakening of the protective and compensatory functions of the body. So the illness of Clauppher can very much become a collective name for such ailments as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic sclerosis, cerebellar ataxia, etc. Although sometimes on sites in correspondence between users there is a new expression: "Alzheimer!", Which, probably, with someone's very light hand replaced not only the word "fool", but also all its existing synonyms.

Why did you need such a cinematic move?

Perhaps the creators of the series "Univer" came up withClaupfer's disease is purely for the sake of "revitalizing" the picture. But there can be a different, more interesting side - a custom cinematographic move. Nobody now claims that there was an agreement. But in fact it is not excluded? Of course, the attention to the series itself is unlikely to increase, but, for example, popribavlis readers in the Global Network. In principle, cinema is designed to shape the worldview of citizens. And the myths here are not the last one. Some still believe that videos with a 25-m frame can not only heal, but also zombify (hypnotize, control). Before the myth was revealed, on this belief experts from the field of advertising, politics and medicine had time to make excellent money.

symptoms of claupferal disease

After watching the next series with the soundedthe name of the disease indeed there was a surge in activity on the Internet and the number of requests for medical help increased sharply. By the way, the same picture was observed by American researchers after viewing the picture "Doctor House". Most of the series have not only to entertain the viewer. And it's not even a hidden (and sometimes frank and obtrusive) advertising. The trusting spectator "dresses" the situation on himself and at this moment he really controls.

Post scriptum ...

Claupfer's disease is unlikely to go into medicalencyclopedia. But since it is natural for a person to believe in myths that are fed and flavored by the media, we can soon learn about a new, hitherto unknown disease. By the way, from the filing of Dusmukhametov (scriptwriter, producer) such jokes slipped in "Interns". However, then the "hemangioma Movsesian" caused only laughter in the viewer. If the former doctor Dusmukhametov has unlimited imagination, then new diagnoses will not be delayed ...

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