Varicose veins of the pelvis
Chronic pain in the lower abdomen is a symptomvarious diseases, one of which is varicose veins of the small pelvis. This disease brings not only discomfort, but also can cause infertility. It does not depend on age changes and can be diagnosed at any period of the patient's life, in adolescence, productive age and old age.
At the moment, no final decision has been takenabout the nature of the disease. Its degree of development directly depends on numerous factors that have an adverse effect on venous hemodynamics. Among them are:
Age of the patient
· The number of pregnancies, abortions and childbirths
· Unfavorable working conditions, including permanent work, sitting or standing and heavy physical labor.
· Individual characteristics of sexual life. This may be the absence of orgasms or an interrupted act as a method of contraception.
· Dyspareunia
· Hereditary predisposition to varicose veins
· Pathology of connective tissue
Varicose veins of the pelvis begindevelop as early as adolescence. In this period of life, the asymptomatic forms of the disease are quite common. With the help of various research methods, it is possible to diagnose the presence of organic changes in the vascular system. Varicose veins of small pelvis in adolescents are checked when there are complaints of large mucous discharge. In most cases this particular symptom leads to unreasonable procedures aimed at treating Colpitis.
With age, the pain syndrome becomes muchstronger. Varicose veins of the small pelvis during pregnancy reach a severe form, since the affected veins do not cope with the increased load in bearing the fetus. For BPVM is characterized by pain syndrome in the lower abdomen, which is amplified in the second half of the menstrual cycle.
Absence of symptoms that allowdiagnose BPVMT, makes it necessary to conduct a survey of veins located in the small pelvis in each woman in the presence of pain in the lower abdomen. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to undergo a magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic organs. This study will provide reliable information on the state of veins in this area.
Treatment of this disease is necessary, becauseprovides an opportunity to improve the quality and extend the life of the patient. But it has a number of difficulties. After removing the varicose veins in the small pelvis is problematic and does not always lead to a positive result.
There is an alternative to surgical intervention -conservative treatment. It is aimed at several aspects that improve the condition of the entire venous system. Treatment of BPDC will consist of the following tasks:
Normalization of venous tone.
· Improved blood and lymph flow in the small pelvis.
· Improvement of the course of pathological processes in all tissues and organs of the small pelvis.
It is necessary to carry out not only medicamentoustreatment, but also include therapeutic physical training, swimming and walking. Physical exercises are a preventive and counter-aggressive technique. Medicines should be used only during the period of exacerbation. Also, you need to adjust the food and include products that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
For the treatment of BPBC, medicalpreparations of several groups, which necessarily include venotropic drugs, phlebotonics and agents for enzyme therapy. The necessary medicinal product and its dosage is prescribed by the doctor who controls your condition. The prescribed treatment is aimed at improving microcirculation, as well as normalizing hemorheology in various tissues of all pelvic organs.