Vertical birth - what is their advantage?
Every woman in a certain period of her lifeunderstands that she is ready and wants to have a baby. And if the time of pregnancy and upbringing of the baby causes the warmest emotions, then the very process of his birth scares many future mothers. In this regard, they are trying to find ways that make it easier for a baby to appear. One of them is vertical childbirth. This method is successfully practiced in many countries of the world and is considered quite effective.
So, the term "vertical childbirth" speaks for itselfyourself. A woman in the process of giving birth is either kneeling / knitting, or half-sitting. There are even special chairs for this method. However, in our country, childbirth in an upright position is perceived with caution, are considered a dubious alternative to the traditional method. Although in ancient times women during the battles were constantly moving, and at the most crucial moment they simply knelt or "hung" on her husband.
Vertical birth allows the fetus to move forward notonly thanks to attempts, but also under the force of gravity, which greatly accelerates the process itself. In addition, this method allows a woman to control the process on her own and help herself, without giving herself completely to the power of the obstetrician-gynecologist. Speaking from a medical point of view, the standing or sitting position does indeed have a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman. The fact is that in the last month of pregnancy the mass of fetus and amniotic fluid is about 6 kilograms, and this creates additional pressure on large blood vessels. In the horizontal position, the pressure increases significantly, and consequently, the blood flow slows down.
Vertical births contribute to a decrease in volumeblood loss, since it takes less time to separate the placenta. As the statistics show, on average, no more than 150 ml of blood is lost. But the main advantage is that the woman gets the opportunity to fully experience the process of passing the child through the birth canal and help him with this all with his body. At the same time, the expectant mother does not experience such severe pain as with a horizontal method of delivery. With the vertical position of the parturient, the child's movement slows down somewhat, but only because it is carried out in a natural way. That is, the fetus passes through the birth canals smoothly, as if sliding, so the likelihood of injury to both mother and baby is minimized.
Vertical birth in Moscow is practiced far fromin all medical institutions. If you decided on this method, it is best to decide in advance the choice of the maternity home and discuss all the details with the obstetrician. Some hospitals are equipped with special beds that rise to a certain height, so that the doctor can follow the process and, if necessary, provide assistance. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the negative side of childbirth in an upright position:
- impossibility of complete control for the obstetrician;
- It is prohibited epidural anesthesia, because the sensitivity of the legs is lost;
- in some cases, this method is unacceptable in connection with the individual characteristics of the woman's body.
Vertical delivery: reviews
Most of the women who applied this technique remain under the pleasant impression and completely abandon the traditional method of delivery.