"Taksi" (nilotinib) - price, analogues. Where to buy Taxosa cheaper?
The drug "Tasigna", the instruction to which will bepresented later in the article, is an antitumor agent, an inhibitor of protein tyrosine kinase. Its active substance - nilotinib - suppresses the enzyme, which promotes the growth of cells, including cancer cells.
This drug is used to treat one of thethe most common oncological diseases are chronic myelogenous leukemia. It is quite difficult to treat, but according to experts' opinions about the Tasigna facility, the drug showed excellent results. In this case, it is used only in cases where the patient is intolerant of other medicines.
Where to buy the drug "Tasigne" cheaper?
Before talking about the rules of admissionmentioned drug, it should be mentioned that the acquisition of the necessary funds for the treatment of cancers is, unfortunately, often very problematic because of the high cost of the latter. For example, in Moscow on "Tasigna" the price is kept within 89 000 rubles.
In such cases, you can contact the website
How to take the drug "Taxi": instruction
The described means are, as a rule, taken in400 mg twice a day, observing the interval of 12 hours. It should be remembered that the reception should follow either 2 hours after a meal, or an hour before it. Capsules "Tasigne" are swallowed whole and washed down with water. But for patients with a difficult swallowing process, it is possible to dissolve their contents in apple puree (1 tsp) immediately before taking.
It should be noted that you can dissolve the drug only in apple puree and not more than one teaspoon.
If the next dose was missed for some reason, then you do not need to take additional medication.
Before the beginning of the course, a week from the beginning, andalso in the treatment should be done ECG. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the level of magnesium and potassium in the blood, especially for patients who are at high risk of metabolic disorders.
"Tasigne" is a drug that can have an undesirable effect on the development of the fetus, so its use during pregnancy is not recommended. The same applies to the period of breastfeeding.
Do not administer the described agent to children under 18years, as well as patients with hereditary intolerance to galactose, which has impaired absorption of glucose-galactose or deficiency of lactase. With caution appoint the drug to patients with severe cardiovascular disorders.
Attention! It is impossible to drink grapefruit juice during the application of capsules of "Tasigna".
Side effects
Therapy is performed until the clinical effect ofthe use of the drug is preserved, as well as in the absence of serious side effects. But most often during the reception of the drug "Tasigna" the following undesirable effects are observed:
- rash and itching;
- headache;
- nausea;
- constipation;
- vomiting;
- diarrhea;
- increased fatigue;
- myalgia.