/ / What is comedones, and how to deal with them?

What are comedones, and how to deal with them?

At a young age, comedones give people a lot of problems. As a rule, they appear on the nose, forehead, chin, back. In this article, we will describe in detail what comedones are and how to deal with them.

what is comedones
After all, these seemingly harmless pimples can lead to the development of acne.

What are comedones?

The so-called black dots on the skin that arisedue to the accumulation of grease and dirt particles in the pores. Usually, acne begins to appear during adolescence, when the sebaceous glands work as intensively as possible. As a result, skin fat clogs the pores. Mixing with dead particles of the dermis and mud, the fat turns into a so-called stopper.


Considering the question of what comedones are,It is impossible not to illuminate the possible factors of their appearance. First of all, this is a wrong treatment, especially at a young age, behind the skin. In the evening and in the morning it is necessary to wash, while removing cosmetics, by special means. This will clear the skin of dust, grease and sweat, clogging the pores. The next reason is a genetic predisposition. Young people, whose close relatives suffered from this skin ailment, are also likely to be exposed to this problem. Another important factor is the climate.

Comedones on the nose
Studies have confirmed that residents of wet regions are more concerned about this problem.


There are open and closed comedones. The first look like brownish-black dots. And they can be quite large. What is closed comedones? This is a subcutaneous pimple, shaped like a tiny nodule. As a rule, they have a pale white color. Their feature is that sebum, accumulating in the pores, can not go out without hindrance.

How to deal with comedones?

First of all, it is necessary to implementdaily competent skin care. It is recommended to wash only with cleaning agents. This to some extent will prevent the emergence of new problem areas. In the treatment of ailment, an integrated approach is important. It is necessary to carry out regular procedures that normalize the processes of sebum secretion and sloughing off dead particles. You can remove old cells by peeling with fruit acids or microdermabrasion. After the procedure, you should apply to the skin a remedy to prevent the emergence of comedones. In the presence of inflamed areas, they must be treated with antimicrobial gel. In addition, you need to revise your diet, eliminating fatty and sweet.

how to deal with comedones
Comedones on the nose, chin and foreheadit is recommended to treat with special means. They are applied to problem sites point-wise and prevent the development of inflammation. Creams containing ANA, especially glycerol, are not bad. They remove the upper "dead" layer and open the clogged pores. Periodically, it is necessary to perform deep cleansing of the face with special means. It can be white clay, spaghetti, etc. It would be superfluous to visit the cosmetologist's office. He will competently clean the face and give recommendations for care. Another tip: try as little as possible to touch your face to prevent dirt from getting on your skin.

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