Means "Eubicor". Reviews, description, testimonies
Medication "Eubicor" helps to normalizeintestinal flora, an increase in the content of anaerobes (E. coli, lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and others). In this case, against the background of the use of the drug, the number of aerobes (staphylococci, opportunistic enterobacteria, fungi of the genus Candida) decreases.
Means "Eubikor" has a pronounced sorption effect. This makes it possible to use it in endogenous and exogenous intoxications (food, infectious, alcoholic, medicinal and other).
The drug "Eubicor" (reviews and commentsexperts confirm this) is one of the first tools from the category of prebiotics invented in Russia. Thanks to the technology used in the manufacture of the product, the properties of all active components are almost completely preserved.
Means "Eubikor" (reviews of doctors testifyabout it) is successfully used as a part of combined therapy, and as a monopreparation for various diseases and conditions. In particular, the drug is used to improve the digestive system. The agent is also recommended as an additional source of fiber.
The preparation "Eubikor" includes in its composition inactivated yeast culture Saccharomyces cerevisiae (vini) and wheat bran.
When applying the funds due to compensationdeficiency of fiber (dietary fiber) and restoration of microflora in the intestine, normalization of absorption and digestion of the main food components occurs, heartburn, nausea, belching, normalization of the stool, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth disappear. The drug "Eubicor" (reviews of many patients confirm this) contributes to increased immunity, stabilization of sugar and cholesterol. When taking the drug reduces the likelihood of formation of stones in the kidney or gallbladder, reduces the risk of development of oncological pathologies.
Means "Eubikor" (reviews of doctors isconfirm) is allowed to use at different ages, does not provoke allergic reactions. The drug can be taken after antibiotic therapy or during it. It is not contraindicated "Eubicor" during pregnancy and during lactation. The drug can be used for a long period.
Means for "Eubikor" instructions for userecommends with disbiotic disorders of different nature, including after taking antibiotics. The drug is prescribed for chronic gastroduodenitis and gastritis, non-ulcerative (functional) dyspepsia, complicated by a dyskinetic syndrome. Means "Eubicor" is recommended for peptic ulcer (after Helicobacter pylori is eliminated including) on the background or after the application of antibiotics. The drug is prescribed for irritable bowel syndrome, complicated by flatulence and pain, constipation or diarrhea. Indications include dyskinesia in the biliary tract, complicated by the phenomena of discololia and cholestasis as well. The drug is prescribed for chronic constipation (functional), including in the breakdown of fixation (omission) dolichosigma and colon.
Means "Eubikor" is prescribed for cholecystitis andpancreatitis (chronic), hepatosis and hepatitis, intestinal infections, parasitic (helminthic) invasions, dermatitis and allergic dermatoses, with acne. The drug is indicated for atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, metabolic syndrome and obesity, the second type of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, atherogenic dyslipidemia, ischemic heart disease, dyscirculatory encephalopathy. Means "Eubicor" is prescribed for gestational constipation and early toxicosis during pregnancy, hypovitaminosis, gynecological pathologies of bacterial, fungal (candida) and viral nature.
Dosage and duration of the drug should be agreed with your doctor.