/ / Uterine adenocarcinoma is a malignant disease

Adenocarcinoma of the uterus - malignant disease

Cancer of the uterus body develops from the muscular orthe mucous membrane of the uterus. Classification of the tumor depends on which layer the tumor is from. The most common tumor of the uterus is adenocarcinoma, less common is uterine leiomy- caroma. Adenocarcinoma refers to malignant tumors that develop from the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus), the leiomy- nicoma occurs from the muscular membrane of the uterus. With cancer of the uterus, the tumor, as a rule, has an exophytic growth form, quite rarely - endophytic and mixed. Basically, the tumor affects the bottom of the uterus (approximately 50% of all cases), but sometimes it can cover the isthmus or the entire cavity.

Principles of adenocarcinoma development

Adenocarcinoma of the uterus is ahormone-dependent tumor, because the endometrium is very sensitive to the effects of estrogens and is practically the target for sex hormones. Cancer of the body of the uterus and appendages most often occurs in women 50-65 years in menopause, sometimes in the period of premenopause in women aged 35 to 40 years. Aggressive cells of a cancerous tumor tend to metastasize (spread) into adjacent tissues, into other organs - into the cervix, into the ovaries and fallopian tubes, into the surrounding organs, into the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes, into the bloodstream and through it into the distant organs.

Adenocarcinoma of the uterus. Symptoms

In a number of cases, developing uterine adenocarcinomacan be asymptomatic and manifest themselves on a regular medical examination, or when the disease has already acquired a later stage. Fetal discharge from the vagina and pain in the lower abdomen are considered to be formidable signs of late stage cancer. Adenocarcinoma of the cervix in the early stage can be accompanied by bloody discharge in the course of sexual intercourse; in later stages of the disease, there may be pains in the back and legs, blood in the urine, edema of the legs, manifestation of ascites, weight loss.

Cancer of the uterus has 4 stages of tumor development:

  • I stage - the tumor is located in the body of the uterus, without affecting surrounding tissues;
  • II stage - the cervix and the whole body are affected;
  • II stage - the tumor extends to parametric fiber, can give metastases to the vagina and nearby lymph nodes;
  • IV stage - the tumor-like process extends beyond the pelvis, can sprout into the bladder, intestine or rectum.

Adenocarcinoma of the uterus. Treatment

Treatment of adenocarcinoma largely depends onthe degree of the disease, the age of the woman and the state of her health at the time of detection. At the first stage, the uterus is removed together with the appendages. In the second stage, in addition to the uterus with appendages, the adjacent lymph nodes in which the metastases may be suspected may be removed. Later stages of cancer are treated with radiotherapy or chemotherapy, while the woman receiving treatment should be under constant surveillance. Recently, the most common treatment for uterine cancer is hormone therapy, it is recommended to carry out with an unfavorable prognosis. In the event that the condition of the patient is a contraindication for conducting operative treatment, then it may be offered a combination radiation therapy. With distant metastases or relapses of the tumor, the patient may be prescribed polychemotherapy.

Prophylaxis of oncology

The most common prevention of adenocarcinomait is impossible, however, to take realistic measures to reduce the risk of developing the uterine adenocarcinoma. Prevention consists in the treatment of chronic diseases (diabetes) and weight loss, for this it is necessary to revise the diet in the direction of greater consumption of fresh herbs, fruits, vegetables and fermented milk products. Reducing the level of calories consumed and increasing physical activity is also an effective way to reduce the risk of cancer of the uterus.

A healthy diet, the right way of working andrest, moral behavior contribute to a long and long life without cancer. In this case, neither the adenocarcinoma of the breast, nor the cancer of the female genital organs will be terrible for a woman.

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