/ / Recessive gene

The recessive gene

Genetics is a science that is closely related toorigin and the whole history of mankind. In fact, it was she who allowed to reveal the most mysterious part of life and still surprises with her unthinkable discoveries, for example, such as the doctrine of heredity and chromosomal diseases.

If it is very simple to explain the goals and objectives of thisscience, it can be said that genetics studies and reveals patterns of inheritance of the human race. For example, external signs (a special shape of the head, nose, eye color, hair, and many other things) and internal (features of enzyme systems) are examined. In addition, there is a person in the center of the study of genetics, all living organisms on the Earth also depend on those processes that were initially laid down at the gene level.

An excellent field for research scientists arenow living descendants of royal dynasties, for traits inherent in ancestors are transmitted through a succession of generations, and according to them one can judge the person's belonging to a certain family or family.

So, we know that the carriers of hereditary information are genes, each of which is specific and responsible for a certain process or symptom in the body.

A recessive gene plays a special role, because it carries the genetic information of a person, which changes under the influence of another - the dominant gene.

As a rule, hereditary diseases are carefully "encrypted" by a recessive gene and do not pose a danger until he meets the second "sick" recessive gene.

An interesting fact: a recessive gene may not appear for several generations in a row, until this unwanted encounter with the paired gene occurs.

For example, the dynasty of the Habsburg rulerswas distinguished by a special structure of the jaw and lips. The artists of those times truthfully displayed these deviations in the family portraits of noble nobles. In the appearance of representatives of this dynasty you can clearly see the characteristic features of them: a thick lower lip, irregular cheekbones, a special form of lower eyelids, an incorrect bite. This is the result of related marriages, where the meeting of recessive genes was realized.

This also applies to internal signs - hereditary diseases, which are inherited from parents to descendants.

The recessive gene, or rather the result of its interaction with its own kind, is regarded by scientists as a serious threat to the development and continuation of the human race.

It is believed that the diseases that develop inthese cases, very often cause a lethal outcome. The degeneration of the genus, or even the prerequisites for the degeneration of nations, is caused by the whole reason hidden under the name "recessive genes." When their percentage increases to a critical state, the population, as a rule, is doomed to extinction.

Such a process often occurs in separateclosed societies or when there is a sharp transition from a large number of offspring to a very low birth rate. Recessive genes in such cases are manifested at times more often. Facts of degeneration are known to mankind since prehistoric times.

It is now alarming that genes that have a defect are replenishing the human population. It can be assumed that at a low birth rate they will become completely defective.

External and internal features of manmanifest themselves as a result of what is inherent in his heredity. There are dominant and recessive signs. The second can be attributed to a complete absence of pigmentation or albinism, as well as a deviation such as color blindness or color blindness, hemophilia, baldness in women, deaf-mute, negative Rh factor. Interesting is the fact that the inheritance of color blindness goes on the female line, while women themselves are extremely rarely sick with this ailment.

Among the representatives of the weaker sex, these recessive signs are common only in 0.5% of cases, while in men color blindness is more frequent, in 8% of cases.

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