/ / What dilutes the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots

What dilutes the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots

Blood is of great importance in lifeorganism. It carries oxygen, takes part in metabolism, removes carbon dioxide from the body. The second important function is the protective properties of the blood. Leukocytes destroy foreign substances, microorganisms, harmful cells of the body. Blood consists of plasma, leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets.

that liquefies the blood

Plasma and white blood cells play an important role in themaintenance of immunity. In addition, the blood maintains a normal body temperature. From this we can conclude that high quality and good blood condition is an important factor for the long life of the organism, and all other biochemical processes that occur in the body depend on it. One of the factors that violate the rhythm of blood circulation is a thickening of the blood. In this case, the oxidation-reduction processes in the body are violated, which can lead to irreversible consequences. How to prevent this state? What dilutes the blood?

As is known, blood more than 90% consists ofwater. Water helps to deliver all the necessary micronutrients, vitamins and oxygen to all corners of the body. Consequently, in the blood, it acts like a solvent, partially dilutes the blood and helps in the assimilation of nutrients.

aspirin liquefies blood

But do many really know thatliquefies the blood? The majority before the first alarming bells have no idea about such a problem. Those who came across this, can answer that the usual drug "Aspirin" dilutes the blood, and also has excellent properties to reduce its viscosity. In addition, scientists have proved that it can burn fat and trigger mechanisms of anti-cancer effect. However, in addition to good, it also harms the body. Particles of the drug, fixing on the walls of the stomach, form sores. Thus, aspirin from the "miracle drug" is converted into a conventional medicine with some contraindications. Hence, we can draw another conclusion that the use of aspirin for the dilution of blood can be not only useful.

It is medically proven that with regular admissionthese tablets reduce the risk of developing gastric cancer by 40%. In women diagnosed with mastopathy of different degrees, the risk of developing breast cancer is reduced by 20%.

Let's try to find an answer to the question thatdilutes blood, in recipes of traditional medicine. For example, fatty fish are very useful. Fish oil helps not only to dilute blood, but also to the disappearance of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques. It is desirable to add to the diet of sea cabbage, walnuts and almonds.

liquefies blood
Of fruits and berries are also useful grapefruit, melon, cherry, cherry.

Everyone knows the "antibiotic" - garlic -helps to reduce the viscosity of the blood. If you do not suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then orange juice for you - not only a source of vitamin C, but also a good tool for dilution of blood. Great benefits come from the broths of chamomile, chestnut, St. John's wort, stripes, green and herbal teas. A glass of red dry wine per day is considered a good tool for dilution of blood and reduces the risk of blood clots by 55% - 65%. Therefore, you need to know what is diluting the blood, and how to properly use medicines and advice of traditional medicine.

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