/ What are warts and how to get rid of them forever?

What are warts and how to get rid of them forever?

Cases of wart formation are not rareand they bring a lot of inconvenience. Few can like the formed bundle on the hands or on the face. Firstly, it is not very beautiful, and secondly, it causes discomfort, because the thought that it causes some disgust among others is not left alone. So what are warts and why do they appear?

what are warts
Warts are a skin disease,characterized by the formation of nodules and the absence of an inflammatory process. Causes a wart virus Tumifacies verrucarum. They do not belong to the group of malignant neoplasms. The disease is transmitted from the infected person, including through household items. The incubation period is long - up to six months. In this regard, try to minimize contact with the person from whom you noticed similar nodules on the skin. The further development of the disease largely depends on the state of the nervous system. This is just the case when they say that all diseases are from the nerves.

wart photo
Answering the question about what warts are,I want to note that they are of different types. Accordingly, the picture of the manifestation may be different. For example, the simplest kind of warts looks like a tight knot of small size (up to 10 mm in diameter). Most often, warts appear on the hands, face and scalp. In this case, they may not differ in color, or have a slight dark tinge. In addition to impartial appearance, no other sensations cause.

What are plantar warts? These are the formations on the feet, which resemble the corn in appearance. They deliver painful discomfort, their borders are clearly surrounded by a dense roller of keratinized skin.

What are warts flat? They have a second name - youthful, because they are typical for this age. They are small round-shaped seals that protrude above the skin (diameter up to 3 mm). They are characterized by a natural color of the skin or a slight yellowish shade. Are formed on the skin of the hands and face.

The most trouble is delivered by wartson the genitals. They are called condylomas. They can also be located in the anus or directly in the rectum. Women should beware of this disease, because genital warts cause the development of cervical cancer. That's why, with the slightest suspicion of pathology, you should consult your doctor for advice.

warts on the genitals
When referring to a specialist, usually a diagnosisis placed immediately, because it is easy to identify by a visual method. However, the need to differentiate warts from some other diseases with a similar clinical pattern sometimes arises. To understand that there is a wart on the skin, a photo of which is not so difficult to find in specialized literature, a layman can also.

There are several methods of treatment. In some cases, it is enough to purchase a special drug in the pharmacy, but a doctor's advice is still desirable. The best measures of prevention are strengthening of immunity and restriction of communication with a sick person.

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