/ / Varicose veins of the small pelvis: symptoms, causes and methods of treatment

Varicose veins of the small pelvis: symptoms, causes and methods of treatment

varicose veins of the pelvis

Pelvic varicose veins are a problem enoughcommon. According to statistics, such a disease is much more often diagnosed among female representatives, although men are not insured against it. So what is varicose veins of the small pelvis? Symptoms and causes of the disease, as well as the methods of treatment that modern medicine offers, we will consider below.

Varicose veins of the pelvis and its causes

It's no secret that most often varicose veinsdevelops against the background of weakness of the venous walls and valves, which do not withstand the additional load. Therefore, first of all, the list of reasons should include genetic predisposition, congenital weakness of the vascular walls.

On the other hand, the disease is most often causedthe effect of additional pressure on the walls of the veins. In women, such a pathology can be associated with pregnancy, heavy birth, lifting weights. Varicose veins occur both in hypodynamia (due to a lack of movement, the muscles of the vascular wall become weaker and lose elasticity), and with increased physical exertion. It is important and the quality of sexual life - the constant interruption of sexual intercourse, the inability to experience orgasm, prolonged abstinence.

Varicose veins of the pelvis: symptoms of the disease

varicose veins of the small pelvis symptoms
Not so long ago, such a disease was difficult to diagnose. The fact is that there are not too many symptoms that indicate varicose veins small pelvis. Symptoms, as a rule, boil down to pain in the lower abdomen.

Quite often pelvic varicosity leads tothe emergence of chronic pain, which affects many women. As a rule, the fair sex is uncomfortable during sexual intercourse. Provoke a painful attack can be physical activity, monthly and contractions of the uterus, lifting weights. Most often painful, pulling, cramping. But changes in the menstrual cycle are not observed.

With such problems it is best to turn tothe doctor. Only an experienced gynecologist knows exactly what varicose veins of the small pelvis are. Symptoms of the disease should in no case be ignored.

Dangerous effects of varicose veins

Immediately it is worth noting that such a diseaseneeds treatment. If the patient has not been provided with the necessary care, then any of the organs located in this part of the body, or a change in his functions, can occur. In particular, most patients are diagnosed with a lesion of the perineal veins, buttocks, thighs and lower limbs. Pelvic varicose often causes infertility, as women with a similar diagnosis are much harder to conceive and endure a child. And because of the constant discomfort during sexual intercourse, fear of intimacy can develop. Chronic pain affects the emotional state - patients become more irritable and aggressive.

How is pelvic varicose treated?

varicose veins disease
The disease "varicose veins" candiagnose only a doctor during ultrasound. Treatment depends on the severity of the patient's condition. For example, in the early stages of effective drug therapy, which reduces to taking medications that dilute blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. In addition, it is important to adhere to certain rules, in particular, the principles of proper nutrition, maintain moderate physical activity, observe the optimal mode of work and rest, and avoid stressful situations.

Unfortunately, conservative therapy is possiblenot always. Sometimes you can not do without surgical intervention. Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive operation, in which the doctor covers the affected vessels.

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