Brown selection in the middle of the cycle: the main causes
Most women notice browndischarge in the middle of the cycle, but in 80% of them they are insignificant and only 20% have abundant discharges that occur spontaneously or immediately after sexual contact and often indicate internal genital diseases. A natural phenomenon is the secretion of fluid a few days before the onset of menstruation or after its termination. Such signs should not cause concern and anxiety.
If brown discharge in women lasts longerthree days, they are accompanied by pain, malaise and fever, then urgently need to seek medical help, tk. it can be associated with ectopic pregnancy, also indicate a spontaneous abortion, etc.
In medicine, there are several types of bleeding between menstruation:
· Abundant uterine bleeding - metrorrhagia
· Intermenstrual bleeding
Metrorrhagia is different from ordinary menstruation. It can occur in the intermenstrual period and at any age. It is observed with such diseases as:
· Cancer of the body and cervix;
· Internal adenomyosis;
· Fibroids;
· Sarcoma;
Erosion of the cervix;
· Tumors of the appendages;
· Endometritis;
· Endometriosis;
Retroversion of the uterus.
The cause may also be a complication of pregnancy.
As for intermenstrual secretions, they arise for the following reasons:
-Intermatrial spiral is installed;
- violation of the hormonal background;
- beginning or end of the reception of contraceptives containing a hormone-estrogen;
- a miscarriage;
- shortage of thyroid hormones;
-long or wrong medication;
- gynecological procedures - biopsy, cauterization;
-strong stress or shock;
- Vaginal injury or the presence of vaginal infections.
If the brown discharge in the middle of the cyclescant and do not pollute underwear, i.e. they can be seen only on paper - this phenomenon is completely normal. They occur about a few weeks before the menstrual period. Usually it occurs during the period of ovulation. These days, the chances of conceiving a child are increasing.
Dark-circumstances in the middle of the cycle: possible causes
· Presence of STDs.
· Increase in the hormone-estrogen during the period of ovulation, which is the reason for the rejection of the uterine epithelium.
· Polyps and fibroids of the uterus.
Often brown discharge in the middle of the cycleare observed in the first months of taking oral contraceptives. In the event that bleeding lasts more than two months, urgently make an appointment with a doctor, it can talk about inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.
If the brown discharge in the middle of the cycleget a darker shade (closer to black), this indicates the destruction or oxidation of bloody whites in the vagina. Abnormal are those leucorrhoea that exude an unpleasant odor. Usually peri-menstrual whites have no "flavor" and quickly disappear.
It should be noted that oncologicaldiseases of the uterus are characterized by similar bloody whites with a brownish tinge in the middle and at the end of the cycle. Therefore, it is very important to contact a specialist in a timely manner and undergo an appropriate examination to identify the true cause. Based on the results of the tests, a qualified doctor will prescribe an effective treatment.
But do not take it into your head to self-medicate, becausemost you will aggravate the situation. The disease can go to a chronic stage, and treatment will then be very difficult and long-term. Also, the disease can lead to dangerous complications, which are then likely to affect the reproductive function of the young woman.