/ / Means of "Cefekon" (candles). Instructions for use

Means of "Cefekon" (candles).

Suppositories "Cefekon" - antipyretic, possessinganalgesic effect. The active substance is paracetamol. The therapeutic effect of the drug is aimed at reducing the excitability of the center located in the hypothalamus, as well as the oppression of prostaglandin production. The active substance helps reduce the fever on the background of a febrile syndrome. This effect is based on the blocking of cyclooxygenase. Antipyretic candles "Cefecon", in contrast to hypothermic agents, do not affect the normal temperature. The medicine has a mild anti-inflammatory effect. The drug has no effect on water-salt metabolism in the body. Paracetamol does not irritate the mucous system of digestion. The drug is intended for rectal administration.

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Means "Cefekon" (candles). Application

The drug is recommended for eliminationfebrile syndrome caused by the introduction of a vaccine or infectious pathology. The medication is prescribed for muscular, dental pain, migraine, and also to alleviate the condition with injuries.


Means of "Cefekon" (candles) instruction onapplication does not allow for rectal bleeding, inflammatory processes in the rectum and in the anus. The drug is not allowed for patients with intolerance to paracetamol. Caution should be observed when appointing patients with thrombocytopenia, hepatic pathologies, anemia. For functional disorders of the kidney system, dosage adjustment may be required.

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Side effects

The drug is good tolerability. Very rarely seen negative effects during therapy. Has and side effects of the drug "Cefekon" (candles). Instructions for use include anemia, agranulocytosis, and leukopenia. Probably thrombocytopenia, vomiting, diarrhea. Some patients may experience epigastric pain, rashes on the skin and mucous membranes, urticaria, and Quincke's edema. Long-term treatment provokes functional disorders in the kidney system.

Means "Cefekon" (candles). Instructions for use

The medication is allowed to patients from the month of life. Suppositories are administered only rectally. Apply the drug after bowel movement (spontaneous or with enema), as well as hygiene procedures. For children, the dose of "Cefekon" (suppositories) is recommended for use according to age. The daily allowed to enter no more than 60 mg / kg. For complete elimination of the painful syndrome, five days of therapy is sufficient; as an antipyretic drug is recommended within three days. After administration, the patient should be in a horizontal position for a minimum of thirty to forty minutes.

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additional information

The change in the scheme of application shouldspecialist. With the development of side effects should stop therapy and visit a doctor. In case of pain in the rectum or in the anus area, it is recommended to cancel the treatment. Sunflower warm oil (1 tablespoon) can be introduced into the anus. If the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor.

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