/ / Cucumber Grass

Cucumber grass

Unfortunately, in our age culturalgrass, once consumed and considered healthy. To balance nutrition by biological substances, it is necessary to renew old sources of biologically active substances.

For example, an undeservedly forgotten plantit turned out to be borago (cucumber grass). It occurs from Asia Minor. As a vegetable, honey and medicinal plant is bred in Europe, North America, Asia. In the CIS countries it is more common in the wild on infertile soils.

It is known that cucumber grass is included in the menucosmonauts. And this is not surprising. After all, its leaves contain malic, silicic and stearic acids, volatile oils, mucus, saponins, tannins, a considerable amount of potassium nitrate, phosphorus, calcium, lithium, digestible proteins. They are also rich in vitamins of group A and C.

Cucumber grass is successfully used inofficial medicine of Latin America and Southern Europe. There it is used as a gentle laxative, sweatshop, antirheumatic, antipyretic, refreshing, soothing, as well as skin diseases and gout. The systematic use of cucumber grass helps to strengthen the nervous system, the disappearance of melancholy, irritation, improving mood. It stimulates the work of capillaries, slightly removes the inflammation of the respiratory tract with a cold, strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

Cucumber grass is extremely useful in diseaseskidney, heart and liver. It acts as a blood cleanser, removes excess water from the body, affects the improvement of metabolism, helps with rheumatism and gout. In order to prevent inflammation in the intestines and kidneys, it is useful to eat vitamin salads from cucumber grass. It can not be stocked, because during storage, cucumber grass very quickly loses its nutritional, taste and healing properties. But it is undemanding to the soil, it also grows well in the closed ground. And this means that it can be used all year round. It is enough to sow its seeds in a pot on the windowsill to constantly have fresh greens, and besides admire the amazingly beautiful blue flowers. In the open ground, it will grow even where other plants feel uncomfortable. The distance between rows when sowing cucumber grass seeds should be 35 cm, and the depth of planting - 3 cm. Shoots appear in a week, a month after sowing, you can harvest. Leaves of cucumber grass have a pronounced cucumber flavor and taste (hence the name). They are added fresh in salads, vegetable dishes, side dishes, okroshki, and also used for making beverages, syrups, vinegar. In the confectionery industry, they consume dried and fresh plant flowers.

In nontraditional medicine herbalists berrygrass is used as an enveloping, softening, refreshing and anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, stomach and intestines, rheumatism, neurosis of the heart, nephritis, skin diseases, various rashes (especially those caused by improper metabolism). Prepare the infusion from it as follows: pour 0.25 liters of boiling water 2 spoons of leaves and insist for five hours. Take the drug one spoonful half an hour before each of the three or four meals.

Cucumber grass is also effective in cosmetics. From its shredded leaves, you can make excellent masks. You need to mix two tablespoons of raw material with half egg white (for oily skin) or yolk (for dry skin), grind, put on face and leave for 10-15 minutes. The mask must be washed off first with warm water, then cold and apply cream on the face. Several such procedures are sufficient to improve the condition of the facial skin.

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