/ / Quite common phenomenon - nails grow on legs. What to do in this case?

Quite a common phenomenon - nails grow on legs. What to do in this case?

The ingrown toenail is troubled not only by fingersthose who like to wear tight shoes. This problem occurs for various reasons. For example, an incorrectly made manicure or pedicure can also lead to ingrown nail plate. In general, there are many factors contributing to this unpleasant phenomenon. And today we'll talk about how to be, if nails grow on their feet. What to do in this situation and how to avoid relapse?

What is the cause of the problem?

ingrown nail reviews
As already mentioned, one of the mostcommon causes are an improperly made pedicure. Cropping your nails, you must follow simple rules. So, you can not round the nails beyond measure for the sake of beauty. The plate must be cut exactly, not deepening the edges.

In no case do not gnaw, do not break off your nails (naturally, on your hands)! This bad habit is not only not hygienic, but also significantly increases the likelihood of ingrown nails.

Often the cause of the pathology lies in the hereditary predisposition caused by a special form of nail plates.

Tight, uncomfortable, narrow shoes are also oftento blame for the fact that the nails grow on their feet. What to do in this case is obvious. In addition to treatment, it is necessary to choose comfortable shoes (boots, sneakers). By the way! The compression of the foot causes not only the growth of the nail plates. Possible its deformations and, as a consequence, additional pathologies.

Rapid weight gain, finger injuries are also risk factors. Well, do not discount the fungal diseases - they also often cause onychriptosis.

Symptoms of ingrown nail

The ingrown nail is easy to detect. His plate begins to grow sideways and eventually rests against the nail roller. Then it begins to grow into it, and the skin around is traumatized. As a result, inflammation occurs.

The main symptoms of the ailment in question are: pain during walking, inflammation, redness of the skin, suppuration.

grow nails on legs what to do
So, you are faced with a problem when growtoenails. What to do, how to calm the throbbing pain? Yes, it calms down at night in a state of rest, but in the daytime again appears even before the apparent inflammation on the skin. Later the nail roller becomes red and inflames. If you do not take action, he will start to get bogged down. Under the skin pus accumulates, periodically it comes out. The ingrown nail breaks the integrity of the internal tissues, and even small bleeding is possible. The sight of a bleeding, festering finger is unpleasant, it is necessary to forget about open shoes in the summer, but most importantly - the pain hurts! Remember: you can not bring the disease to the extreme stage.

Nails grow on legs. What to do and who to contact for help?

The first thing that needs to be done is to relieve the pain andreduce inflammation. But there is one nuance. If the disease worries you again and again, do not try to cope with the problem yourself, it's better to turn to a professional. If you get to the surgeon at the reception will be possible only after a couple of days, folk remedies will help ease the current condition and remove the discomfort that the ingrown nail can inflict. The testimonies of those who suffered from severe pain say that warm manganese baths (weak solution) with disinfectant properties, or baths with sea salt, broths of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort are good.

Aloe leaf without skin, bandaged to the fingerat night, is also very effective. In the morning, you can try to prune the diseased nail plate and replace the century with a fresh copy. Treat abscesses and ointment Vishnevsky - long since known antiseptic means. The compress is applied to a clean area and left overnight.

removal of ingrown nail price
But all listed means, as a rule,will help to remove symptoms only, but they will not eliminate the root cause. Therefore, you still need to go to the doctor, and the earlier, the better. Modern medicine has in its arsenal laser correction of ingrown nails. This method is safe and reliable. But the most effective is surgical intervention.

If desired, the operation can be done in the salonbeauty. All you need is to make an appointment to remove the ingrown nail. The price of the procedure starts from a mark of one thousand rubles, and in some places reaches 7-8 thousand. Still, it would be prudent to give oneself to the hands of qualified doctors.


If the radical ways to fix the problemwas avoided, the doctor will advise measures to prevent re-ingrowth of the nail. There are several generally accepted rules of prevention. They can be formulated as follows:

  1. Give up tight and uncomfortable shoes with a pointed toe.
  2. Get rid of the habit of gnawing nails (it's here, of course, about beautiful pens)!
  3. Do not pursue a poor manicure or pedicure, even if the price is low!
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