/ / Frequent palpitations can be provoked by different causes

Frequent palpitation can be provoked by different causes

Almost every person in his lifefelt a rapid heartbeat. This symptom can arise as a completely healthy person with physical activity or a change in body temperature (overheating), and be a manifestation of diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, respiratory, digestive and even urinary systems of the body. That is why, with frequent repetition of this complaint or an inadequate change in the pulse, it is not necessary to engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication - this can lead to both unreasonable intake of medications and the development of neglected forms of diseases.

Causes of increased heart rate

It must be remembered that the causes of rapidpalpitation is in each case a combination of several factors, because a frequent pulse can signal both problems of the body as a whole, and a pathology that has affected one particular patient system. In many respects the periodicity of heart contractions depends even on the age of a person - a small child of heart rate is always greater than that of an adult. In addition, there are situations in which frequent heartbeats are an indication of the normal adaptive abilities of the body - the lack of acceleration of the pulse during exercise, overheating, increased body temperature can also be a manifestation of body diseases.

The heart rate can increase even after a copious receptionfood - it always stimulates the flow of blood into the organs of the digestive system at the initial stage. In the process of further digestion of food, frequent heartbeats are due to absorption of nutrients and release of hormones into the blood. In the GI disease, a frequent pulse can be explained by reflex effects - with spasms and painful attacks.

Undoubtedly, heart palpitations, causeswhich most patients care about, in the overwhelming majority of cases arise in pathological processes in the cardiovascular and nervous system. It should be understood that emotional stimuli very often cause acceleration of heart rate, which quickly and independently passes after the end of stress, but such an attack is hard for patients.

With the pathology of the organ systemthe frequent heartbeat becomes habitual, and sometimes unnoticeable for a person symptom - the patient becomes so "accustomed" to his condition that he ceases to react to it. Deterioration of the state can provoke physical and emotional overload, and it is stress that becomes the trigger mechanism, which ultimately leads a person to consult a doctor.

Frequent palpitations in metabolic diseasesmay occur with a decrease or increase in the concentration of hormones in the blood serum - even a slight change in the level of hormones of the thyroid pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid glands, adrenals can cause a frequent pulse.

The physiological limits of the norm for each person are individual

It should be remembered that tachycardia can occur andwhen eating certain foods - the pulse can be accelerated after consuming a large amount of caffeine, tannin, some other alkaloids, which are quite abundant in medicinal herbs, some berries and even vegetables. In some patients, frequent heartbeats can occur when taking medication - some drugs themselves accelerate the pulse, while others can cause compensatory reactions, for example, when taking diuretics and removing a large number of trace elements (potassium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine) from the body.

In any case, tachycardia attacks should cause the patient to consult a doctor - lost time can lead to the development of irreversible changes in the body.

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