/ / Orthopedic insoles for valgus deformation: reviews, sizes, prices

Orthopedic insoles for valgus deformation: reviews, measurements, prices

To correct for violations of normal positionstop with valgus deformation and to prevent this problem orthopedic insoles are often used. These medical products not only relieve the load from various parts of the foot, but also eliminate the pain syndrome that often arises during pathology. Today, in the medical products market, there are many companies offering orthopedic insoles to a potential consumer. How to choose the right product and at the same time to save money? When does it become necessary to purchase the product? What types of orthopedic insoles are divided into valgus deformities? Reviews and opinions of people using this product, what are they? The reader will find answers to these and other questions in the materials of our article.

What it is?

The valgus deformity of the lower limb is a processchanges in the shape of the foot and, as a consequence, a violation of the normal position of the foot. This disease - pathology is specific and very common. To correct the manifestations of the disease, special medical products are used - orthopedic insoles insole, valgus tires and so on. The use of this or that module depends on the affected area of ​​the lower limbs. Pathology can affect the area from the first toe of the foot to the neck of the hip.

orthopedic insoles for valgus deformation reviews
Valgus deformity of the big toe -a disease in which the position of the metatarsophalangeal joint is disrupted, as a result of which the thumb is shifted on the leg. This violation leads to a change in the position of the remaining toes.

Flat-valgus deformation of the foot in common speechis called a flatfoot and manifests itself in a change in the direction of the axis of the foot. This disease develops in childhood, but the cause of the violations can be both congenital pathologies, and acquired - trauma in fractures or with rupture of ligaments; excessive weight, leading to increased stress on the joints; paralytic conditions caused by complication of osteomyelitis, and so on.

Defeat of the leg, ankle, thigh

Valgus deformity of the legs develops withinfancy and can be a consequence of the fact that the child began to get up early on the legs or the parents allowed the baby to stay in the standing position for a long time. In infancy, the muscles and ligaments are not strong enough, and the increased load on them subsequently leads to a deviation of the correct position of the axis of the legs. As a result, the distance between the knees is shortened, the shin is shifted inwards, and the legs acquire an x-shape.

Initial changes affect the knee joints. The child can be capricious and ask for help, complain about fatigue and pain in the legs. If you do not take measures to correct the situation, neglected pathology can lead to a curvature of the child's spine. The ankle deformity of the ankle is the displacement of the heel outward and the stalling of the foot inside.

With valgus deformity of the femoral neck occursan increase in the neck-diaphyseal angle. Pathology in most cases is congenital and can occur against the background of hip dysplasia or hip injury, and also be a consequence of nervous system disorders. Valgus deformity of the femoral neck is often combined with deformation of the lower leg or foot.

Degrees of violations

As noted earlier, the valgus deformity of the feetIs a pathology of the position of the foot, which leads to the fact that the height of the foot decreases, and its central axis is bent. The toes on the foot together with the heel are twisted outward. Sign of the pathology is not only a cosmetic defect, which is very noticeable, but also serious disorders in the body, for example, chronic bursitis, deforming arthrosis, etc. An auxiliary corrective agent for this pathology often is footwear with an orthopedic insole.

Bursitis is a joint disease that inflames mucous bags in the joint area. Deforming arthrosis is a pathology, which destroys the cartilaginous tissue of the joints.

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There are three degrees of valgus deformation inAccording to the value of the angle between the first finger and the connecting or metatarsal bone. At the first degree in patients a subluxation of the foot occurs. The second degree of valgus deformation leads to the displacement of the tendons on the thumb. The third degree of pathology is due to the fact that the bone tissue in the affected area does not cope with the functional load.

Why does the disease occur and what should I do?

There are a number of factors that lead to the development of pathological changes in the body, among them we can distinguish:

  • overweight, creating additional stress on the joints;
  • genetic factor - weak tendons;
  • hormonal disorders (eg, menopause or insufficient / excessive thyroid function);
  • the occurrence of valgus deformity can be preceded by gout, which leads to the accumulation of salts of uric acid in the joints, which provoke the development of curvatures;

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  • uncomfortable, too narrow or unsuitable for the length of the shoes;
  • constant use of shoes with high heels;
  • pregnancy, leading to increased stress on the joints.

Completely cure valgus deformation is difficult,However, pathology can be corrected by minimizing the manifestations of the disease. There are surgical and conservative therapies. The first concerns surgical intervention, which solves the problem of curved joints. It is used in more severe cases, when the disease is started.

shoes with orthopedic insole
For the elimination of mild manifestations of pathology, andConservative treatment methods are also used to prevent disease. Among them - daily foot gymnastics with the help of special sports equipment (balls), as well as the use of orthopedic products in everyday life.

Flat-valgus insole

Orthopedic insoles, the price of which dependsfrom the material used in their production, are used to prevent and treat various types of flat-valgus deformation of the feet. Often, the longitudinal flatfoot is aggravated by an incorrect position of the foot, stowing it inward. As a rule, orthopedic products are performed in two versions - from the skin or from the hygienic cloth.

Patients who used orthopedicinsole with valgus deformation, the reviews left most positive. These are leather products. They are durable, they are easier to care for, since the dirt is removed from the surface with the help of some alcohol-containing substance. Leather insoles are tougher, but the price is higher than for insoles made of sanitary linen. The rags are also more accessible, they are softer and can be used to correct disorders in children.

For comparison: the cost of the preventive insole from the hygienic cloth starts from 8 y. e., the leather product costs twice as much - 15 y. e. and higher. Therapeutic and therapeutic-prophylactic orthopedic insoles, the price for which starts from 15 y. e., are performed only in the leather version.

It is important to remember that flat-valgus insoleare used in conjunction with everyday shoes, in other words, the product is put inside the boot, so the insoles are selected for shoes with a high and fairly rigid back. There is an opportunity to adjust the insole for a specific shoe - the product can be cut, but only on the upper and inner edges. The outer cut of the insole can not be touched.

Classification by degree of rigidity

Conventionally, the insoles for the correction of foot deformity can be divided into three groups:

  • prophylactic;
  • therapeutic and prophylactic;
  • therapeutic.

For the prevention of the disease the best orthopedicInsoles are products with a low and soft instep, which is a soft pad that can quickly change its shape and crush under pressure. Such insoles can be used in almost any closed shoes, because they slightly increase the fullness of the internal space of the shoe.

orthopedic insoles
Therapeutic and prophylactic insoles - products withaverage height of the instep, which is slightly compressed and practically does not alter the shape when pressed. Such insoles are made from leather raw materials, and from hygienic cloth. This type of product is used in shoes with a closed raised back and a fastener with a well-fixing leg.

Healing insoles are products, in which the instep supports are high, resembling an arch. This type of orthopedic modules is used only in shoes suitable for treatment.

Orthopedic insoles: how to choose

Today, the potential consumer hasthe opportunity to choose - to buy a finished insole with the specified parameters or to make a product to order with the parameters that most accurately satisfy the physiological features of the foot. There are also individualizable insoles - orthopedic products that lend themselves to a small but beneficial change in their physical parameters.

The main characteristic by which is selectedinsole, - foot length. The product can be purchased, focusing on the metric parameter or using the traditional shoe size, with which the existing sizes of orthopedic insoles completely coincide.

Since the instep material can be differentdensity, when choosing an insole, you should focus on your own feelings - try several types of products and choose the most comfortable one for yourself.

Orthopedic insole should always performIts tasks - for active loads and sports one type is suitable, for everyday life - another. Therefore, lovers of quiet walking and people whose work is associated with long standing on their feet should pay attention to the insole with a frame. These products are quite thin and suitable for almost any casual shoes.

However, if a person periodically occurspain in the foot, it will suit a soft footbed - it is comfortable and convenient, but a little thicker than usual. For sports shoes it is recommended to choose insoles without a frame. They are single-layer and two-layer and, accordingly, differ in thickness. Bilayer products are often used in rheumatoid arthritis. This instep helps to evenly distribute the load on the foot and relieve the pressure on the "bone".

What to look for

We must understand that orthopedic insoles -medical devices, and if we are not talking about preventive measures, but about medical ones, they should be chosen only in accordance with the diagnosis.

Orthopedic insoles are divided into two types -children and adults. Products for the smallest need to choose carefully and only after consultation with the orthopedist. Children often have longitudinal flat feet, and insoles for them are often equipped with additional modules designed to support the longitudinal arch of the foot. Insoles with three points of support are used to support the longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot. These products help reduce heel stress.

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Orthopedic insoles for adults are very diverse and, depending on the function they perform, are divided into:

  • semi-insoles, or insoles, orthopedic insoles for women who wear shoes with heels;
  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • longitudinal-transverse;
  • insoles for heel spurs;
  • semi-insoles instep supports for the prevention of foot deformities;
  • frame insoles, which are used only in closed shoes.

Helpful Tips

It should always be remembered that the physiology of the foot over time is insignificant, but it changes, therefore it is recommended to change the insoles every two years, while consulting with an orthopedic doctor.

In the instructions for the care of the product listedrecommendations that are important to follow, and it does not matter what material the insole is made of. In addition, factory insoles have indications for use, including, for example, a feeling of fatigue in the legs, pain in the feet against the background of flat-footedness of various kinds, different lengths of the lower limbs, etc.

The effectiveness of the insoles is checked by their own observations - the reasons for which the product was purchased should, if not disappear, then at least not manifest themselves so clearly.

In comparison with the goods made byto the individual order, ready-made orthopedic insoles are still considered more technological. When valgus deformity reviews about their effectiveness are different, however, most people say that the operation of this product improves the quality of life - pain in the legs becomes less, the load on the feet decreases, it is more comfortable to walk.

sizes of orthopedic insoles
In addition to orthopedic insoles for correctioncurved joints and reducing pain in the big toes, a valgus splint is used - a kind of bandage that corrects the wrong position of the joint over time.

In addition to the use of orthopedic products to correct pathological changes, it is useful to strengthen the muscles and arch of the foot with the help of special exercises and massage.

Summarizing the above, you canNote that valgus deformity is a disease that often develops from childhood. In order to avoid the occurrence of severe pathological conditions, it is important to begin therapeutic measures as early as possible. The use of orthopedic modules in therapy leads to good results.

Valgus insoles can be made of variousmaterials, as well as massively or to order, from which, in fact, depends on their cost. To achieve a positive therapeutic effect, orthopedic insoles for valgus deformity should be selected according to the standard size of the shoes and invested in a shoe with a rigid back. Reviews of people using this medical device indicate that a good effect has been achieved, but only with a well-chosen module and its continuous operation.

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