/ / Preparation "Xidifon": instructions for use and description

The drug "Xidifon": instructions for use and description

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The drug "Xidifon" instructions for userefers to a group of drugs, the use of which is aimed at regulating the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Regular intake of this medication can effectively reduce the likelihood of osteoporosis and prevent recurrent formation of stones. In addition, the drug "Xidiphon" (the instruction for use confirms this) prevents the aggregation and growth of crystals of the so-called "calcium salts" contained in urine, and acts as an excellent preventive tool for the pathological calcification of soft tissues. In addition, this drug accelerates the removal of heavy metals and has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

The drug "Xidiphon", the price for whichis about six hundred to six hundred and fifty rubles, in the form of a colorless 20% solution, designed to prepare 2% of the mixture for subsequent ingestion.

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The composition of this tool as the maincomponent contains twenty grams of mono-potassium salt of 1-hydroxyethylidene diphosphonic acid dihydrate. In the role of additional substances are sodium hydroxide and purified water.

Prescribe a medicine "Xidifon" instruction forapplication is recommended for both adults and children, as a means of regulating calcium metabolism in various diseases of the kidney and urolithiasis. In addition, this drug is necessary for hyperparathyroidism, hyperavitaminosis D and interstitial nephritis. For the treatment of osteoporosis, as well as for the prevention of its development and osteopenia, the administration of the "Xidifon" solution is also indicated. The reviews also testify to the good results of its use in the complex therapy of such a disease as bronchial asthma (including hormone-dependent bronchial asthma).

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Take this tool manufacturer companycategorically prohibits those people who suffer from hypocalcemia or hypersensitivity to any of the components presented in the composition. In addition, does not recommend the use of the drug "Xidiphon" instruction for the use of women who carry the baby, and young mothers who are breastfeeding. With extreme caution appoint this drug to patients with chronic form of enterocolitis and people with reduced renal function. In the latter case, the manufacturer advises to adjust the drug intake schedule and dosage regimen without fail.

As for undesirable reactions and possibleside effects associated with taking a solution of "Xidifon", then, first of all, here we should say about the rather high risk of a gastrointestinal disorder. In addition, according to experts, there may be a metabolic disorder and nausea. Individual groups of people can also experience skin rash, angioedema, hives, itching and hyperemia of the skin.

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