/ / Norbekov Gymnastics for the spine. Gymnastics Mirzakarima Norbekova for the spine and joints

Norbekov's gymnastics for the spine. Gymnastics Mirzakarima Norbekova for the spine and joints

It is difficult today to calculate the number of methods,introduced by the best minds of mankind for the healing of the "pillar of life" of our body. But the popular Norbekov gymnastics for the spine has won a special love among people who are watching their health. This method also helps those who care about the prevention of any ailments, and those who, with their overemployment, start the body, considering scoliosis, osteochondrosis due to natural diseases caused by the profession or age.

Gymnastics Norbekov for the spine
Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov is the author of thiseffective charging for the spine - has a number of regalia. Doctor of Psychology and Pedagogy, Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine, recognized by many Russian and foreign academies, he as a true scholar-researcher is busy identifying the features of eastern medicine and introducing the pearls of ancient knowledge into the education and healing of his contemporaries.

According to Mirzakarim Sanakulovich, witha sufficient share of attention to your body to sit on the twine can not only a ten-year-old child, but also a ninety-year old man. What else can surprise Norbekov? The joint gymnastics for the spine, developed by this talented scientist, helps restore health not only to this "pillar of life", but also to all internal organs, to increase the general vitality of the whole organism. What is the secret of the treatment of unconventional physical education?

What is a gymnastics for the joints on Norbekov?

Unlike any sports complex of exercises, which serves to strengthen muscles, joints and spinal column, the gymnastics of MS Norbekov has a curative function.

Gymnastics for Norbekov joints
This is not shaping and not aerobics, the exercises givencomplex do not require expensive simulators and any special devices. It is necessary to have only a steady desire to become healthy and work on your body.

Main tasks

Whatever goal a person sets for himself,decided to engage in the Norbekov system - to improve vision or strengthen the spine and joints, - the guru recommends starting with a general recovery of the body. Heal, in his opinion, comes from within. The joy of active life and strength for the movement is returned to us not only by the physical activity of the body, but also by the spirit of man.

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich considers the second taskrestoring full control over the whole body. Limited mobility of joints threatens to lose the ability to perform even basic vital actions. Therefore, gymnastics for the joints on Norbekov eliminates helplessness and makes it possible to move to any distance.

Gymnastics for the lumbar spine

The third task the master considers giving flexibilityspine, as this is the main sign of human youth. Spinal cord located inside the vertebral column in osteochondrosis or radiculitis is compressed, causing unpleasant symptoms: from extreme pain to absolute immobility.

Dr. Norbekov in articular gymnastics tells how to restore the proper functioning of the spine and other organs of the musculoskeletal system.

The fourth task the author of a unique technique seesin improving the condition of muscle tissue and ligaments. The muscle mass of a moderately trained person usually makes up 40-45 percent of the total mass of his body. When hypodynamic muscles begin to atrophy. The load on the joints increases markedly, and in the presence of excess weight, this negative process is accelerated. Regular training on simple Norbekov system allows you to form a strong muscular corset around the spine, which relieves it of excessive load.

Important points

Gymnastics Norbekova for the spine - thisa harmonious set of exercises that must be performed strictly in the sequence determined by the author: first we load the arms, then the legs. Exercises for the upper spine precede the training of its lower section. This achieves a gradual competent load of the musculoskeletal system. Gymnastics for the joints of Norbekov takes at the initial stage about half an hour. As a result of mastering its technology, one can reach a quarter of an hour, which will be enough for the whole complex. Despite the recommendations to repeat each exercise 8-10 times, Norbekov’s spine exercises imply that you can not get hung up on the count.

Norbekov articular gymnastics for the spine
The main thing - up to 90 percent of success - lies inpositive attitude! The rhythm of the initial classes can be selected in accordance with their own capabilities. Control how many times the exercise is performed, the author assigns only 10 percent!

An important step in the exercise issmooth breathing. In addition, it should not be too frequent. Having mastered the initial training technique, it is necessary to adhere to a certain rhythm of breathing: exhale to perform with tension, and inhale - with relaxation.

Another important success factor is regularity and the indispensable absence of laziness! Gymnastics Norbekova for the spine designed for a small load onmusculoskeletal system and muscles, regardless of human fitness. Therefore, only regular classes can give the first positive results in 14-20 days.

Gymnastics Norbekova for the spine: reviews and summary

What attracts many fans of the doctorNorbekov his methods of recovery? Reviews of these positive, radiating kindness, love and care, video instructions, reminiscent of meditation, are found on the Internet and in the books of Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov quite often. The author forbids exercise in a sad, dull or depressed mood. Such exercises will not bring a positive result. Norbekov offers to train exclusively in a joyful and elated mood. At the same time, combine the training of the mind and body with the development of the desired traits of a person’s personality. How would he like to see himself? Gradually, according to Dr. Norbekov, double benefit is achieved: along with the improvement of the body, the inner “I” opens up.

Gymnastics norbekova for spine, reviews
The main opponent of high performanceOnly automatism can become a complex - mechanical performance of all exercises. The complex itself consists of various types of training and style. Starting position: stand straight, head, neck, chest and lumbar should be strictly vertically.

The first to perform exercises for the joints of the hands,further joints of the legs are involved. The next stage is training the upper thoracic spine, regulating the work of the respiratory system, circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract and kidney. In conclusion, exercises are performed for the lower thoracic, as well as gymnastics for the lumbar spine, which controls the functioning of the urogenital system and pelvic organs.

Caution, contraindications!

The approval of the doctor before the articulargymnastics M. S. Norbekova desirable to get any person. But pregnant women, people who have suffered heart attacks and strokes, surgery, suffering from mental illness, having severe pathologies of the joints and spine, as well as during exacerbation of chronic illnesses such training is prohibited.

When do you need to study?

Articular gymnastics for the spine of manypeople are admired for their simplicity and incredible efficiency. It fits perfectly into the complex of morning exercises and charges a person with health and positive for the whole day!

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