The drug "Pirantel" review, dosage, instructions
An effective medicine withantihelminthic action, is the medicine "Pirantel". Patients' recall indicates an improvement in the condition after the course of therapy. The preparation is in the form of tablets and suspensions.
![pyranthel review](/images/zdorove/preparat-pirantel-otziv-dozirovka-instrukciya.jpg)
Pharmacological properties
The active substance of the drug acts onmuscles of intestinal nematodes, blocking the effect of cholinesterase and depolarizing the neuromuscular junctions of parasites. The drug "Pirantel" is active in relation to ascarids, enterobius, hookworm, nekator, trichostrongylus and other parasitic organisms. The agent destroys the individuals of both sexes, has no effect on the larvae in the migration stage.
Indications and instructions for use
The medicine "Pirantel" (doctors' opinion about thistestifies) is effective in such diseases as ascariasis, enterobiosis, non-carotidosis and ankylostomidosis. The anthelmintic preparation is used in a volume calculated on the basis of the body weight and age of the patient. Babies up to two years give 0.5 tablets of "Pirantel". Dosage for children under 6 years is 1 capsule, up to 12 - 2 units, for adolescents and adults weighing up to 75 kg 3 pills are prescribed, for patients over 75 kg - 4 tablets.
![pyrantel dosage](/images/zdorove/preparat-pirantel-otziv-dozirovka-instrukciya_2.jpg)
With ascariasis and enterobiosis, medication is prescribedonce in a volume of 10 mg per kilogram of body weight of the patient. With ankylostomidosis the agent is used for three days in the same dosage. With complicated forms of non-katorosis, the dose is doubled.
Side effects of the drug "Pirantel"
The patients' feedback indicates possible negativereactions after taking the tablets. In rare cases, weakness, sleep disorders, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting may occur. Side reactions include skin rashes, confusion, increased temperature.
Contraindications to taking Pirantel medication
The recall of doctors indicates the inadmissibility of takingdrug for hypersensitivity. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the medication is prescribed only after weighed the expected benefit for the woman and the possible risk to the child.
special instructions
When passing a course of therapy, there is no need foradditional use of laxatives. When enterobiosis is required to treat all persons living with the patient. After completion of the course of therapy, it is required to perform mandatory feces analyzes for the presence of helminth eggs. The drug copes more effectively with duodenal hookworm than with the American variety of parasite. It should be borne in mind that in some patients medication can cause dizziness, so during treatment you need to be cautious when performing work that requires psychomotor active reactions.